I looked up at him as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“Is that a problem?” I hoped not because the tingling between my legs would be hard to ease.
He flung his shirt to the floor and started unbuckling his pants. “Not at all. I want to be sure I heard you correctly…” his eyes didn’t leave mine.
“Does it scare you?”
He shook his head. “Not in the least.” His chest flexed as his pants slid to the ground.
My eyes traveled his torso and had to close when they reached his bulge. I sucked in a breath and waited for him to climb onto the bed.
“I can’t stand those tight shirts, those slacks with no room for my dick to move.” He nuzzled into the side of my neck, trailed kisses to my chest. “Let me help you out of this.” His hand cradled my thigh before moving upward and taking the dress up with it. “It looks sexy on, but I won’t lie, I can’t wait to see it off.”
I sat up so it could slide over my head. “I got you, Mr. President.”
He smirked before leaning me back down and finishing his trail of kisses to my stomach and finally the middle of my thighs. I considered his roommate and what he’d hear if I let out every moan, and recited the chant that came to mind as he licked between my folds.“Lick it down, lick it up. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”So, I didn’t scream it out. I didn’t let my moans grow over a whisper.
But he responded accordingly, each time I moaned he licked harder, dug deeper. Growled as my body moved. The vibration doing something to my entire body. It was sensory overload by the time his fingers slid inside me.
Through gritted teeth, I moaned, “Chaz.”
When I reached my mountaintop, I couldn’t hold back the loud moans. His fingers didn’t leave me, but his mouth covered mine. His lips sucked the wind from my sails, and afterward I laid there motionless.
I heard him move from the bed. Didn’t open my eyes and watch him when I heard the condom wrapper rip open. Braced my body when I felt the bed deflate beside me. And when he hovered over me, I opened my eyes.
“Dammit, you look gorgeous right now.” The tip of his dick dangled at my entrance. But the way he looked at me like I was Mona Lisa in the flesh, had my body warming all over again. His lips crashed into mine as he entered inside.
If his mouth wasn’t covering mine, I wouldn’t have cared if his roommate heard me shout,“V-I-C-T-O-R-Y. Yeah, Yeah, we got a victory!”
If the celebration for winning SGA president resulted inthat,imagine if I won a higher office. I couldn’t get thoughts of Journey off my mind. Her moans when she ate sushi were enticing. But what she did when Iate her, I’d run for every open political vacancy in the land to hear it over and over again.
The morning after though, that was a different situation. There was an early morning call to let me know where I needed to be.Me?I needed to be somewhere? Somewhere that didn’t include one of the five classes on my schedule? Somewhere other than between Journey’s legs? And I wasn’t a morning person, so the call wasn’t well received. To say the least.
After that call, I had class, then after class a meeting with Hillside’s president. Thank God the coffee shop was nearby and I was able to squeeze in there to grab a cup of coffee. I’d need that and more to make it through the day.
A usual run to the coffee shop didn’t mean running into anyone. Unless, of course, I considered literally bumping into Journey. Nobody knew me before, so I could get in and get out without speaking to anyone.
That morning though, I had three different people approach me with small talk before I could make it to the line. Another girl, stood beside me a little too close. And when I looked at her over my shoulder, she took the opportunity to speak.
“Chaz Brown.” Her eyes wondered down my body before she said, “I agree you are the change we need.”
If I didn’t have Journey on my mind, lips, and fresh off my dick, I might have caught exactly what she was throwing. But I kept it casual. “I hope I can be that,” I said, turning back to the counter. Hoping the person in front of me kept it simple and quick.
That didn’t discourage her though. “I’m a junior, and I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting you.”
I could feel her breath and assumed she was still talking to me. I rubbed my hand across my neck before saying, “I doubt we would have had classes together.” Then I remembered the encouragement I got about meeting people on campus.Be nice, ask about their major, and what they love about the school.“What’s your major?”
Her tongue curled when she answered, “Elementary education.”
“Great, you’ll be teaching the kids.” I stepped closer to the counter. Two people stood between me and my order. An exit from ol’ girl breathing down my neck.
“Yeah, I’d love to teach you something.”
I gulped and my eyes stretched. The person in front of me looked over his shoulder when I got too close. Everything was telling me to get away from the girl before she said something she couldn’t recover from. Something someone nearby heard and misconstrued. Politicians were always caught up in some shit. Little scenarios blown out of proportion. And I could see how folks would be looking atmy change for the betterand doubting my potential.