I worried she’d turn me down.
And she didn’t directly, but she did say, “I am on my way to practice now. But after that I’m down.”
“You practice at the gym?” Once she confirmed I asked, “And what time is it over?”
Enough time for me to scour the package, and list out the pros and cons. “Not exactly impromptu anymore, but it still works.”
“It does,” she said before hanging up.
Instead of going home with the packet, I made my way across campus to the library. Passing students, and wondering how I could introduce myself, if necessary. Thinking what things would excite them. What would convince them to vote Chaz Brown for president. I shook my head though. The sound of me as president was crazy.
And when I sat down with the packet, in the back of the library, I realized the qualifications were too. Quite literally anyone who wanted to run could if they stepped foot on campus. Democracy at its finest. Anyone is qualified to lead the people if the people deem them qualified.Great.
I had an hour until Journey finished practice. Instead of pulling my laptop out and working on an assignment I left. I ran to the store to grab a couple of things to have ready for our littleimpromptu date.
I parked outside of the gym and waited. As soon as I saw her walk out, I called her phone. “I’m here.”
Her head swiveled side to side as I gave her instructions to find me. I stepped out as she neared. The smile on her face was as wide as I’d seen it. “Thought we’d meet up after I showered and didn’t smell like a couple of hours of jumping around.”
I didn’t care if she smelled like fresh lilac, or an old gym bag. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her toward me. The back of her shirt was wet, but it didn’t matter, I held her close anyway. “I’m not a stickler for perfection. I dance with reality.”
Our embrace caught the attention of some of the other cheerleaders. And I heard them cheering us on when she stepped up on her tippy toes and brushed her lips against mine. Then loud claps when I let my tongue slip into her mouth. When we pulled away, there was a crowd standing off to the side watching us. Journey rested her head against my chest and sighed.
I tilted her chin up and asked, “I hope you don’t mind them seeing us like this.”
Her response came by way of another kiss. One that was a little deeper than the first. It snatched my breath in the process and if that was the last breath I ever took, I prepared for my consequences. Then she pulled away, trailed her finger against my lips and said, “I don’t mind.”
“Shit that was sexy,” one of them shouted at us and Journey laughed.
“So, this impromptu date. What are we doing?” She tugged on the strap of her bag, and I took it from her.
“Thought we could keep it simple.” I opened the car door and dropped her bag on the seat before grabbing the flowers. “These are for you.”
She raised them to her nose and said, “Thank you.”
Then I grabbed the super-size platter of sushi and asked, “Should have asked if you like this…”
Her eyes stretched wide as her body rocked side to side. “You may just be my favorite person.”
“Sorry to everyone else I knocked down the list.” I laughed and closed the car door. “Tell me if I keep that spot after asking you to sit on my trunk and enjoy sushi with me.”
She cringed. “The trunk?” When she didn’t budge I sat the platter down and wrapped my hands around her waist. Then I placed her beside the sushi. “But there isn’t room for you.”
I nudged her legs open and said, “There’s plenty.” I scooped up a piece of sushi and raised it to her mouth. “It’s not from the best spot in Hill Mount, but it’s not bad.”
Her lips wrapped around it, but I didn’t move my fingers from her lips. “Ehmm…”
I could have fed her the entire platter to hear that moan escape her mouth. Not only was it sexual but satisfying to know I hit her spot.
“Chaz,” her eyes fell to her lap, “what happened in your past relationships?”
If I had to write a manifesto, it’d be short. A single line would suffice. “Would you find it strange that there haven’t been any?” I clarified, “Not officially.” I had dates to homecoming, and prom in high school. Took a few chicks out on campus. But none made it beyond that.
Journey’s eyes met mine. “Not entirely. Your shy guy demeanor gives me that vibe.”
“Shy guy?” I flinched. “I don’t know if that describes me as much as someone who minds his business.”