Page 13 of Secret Passion

Nicholas leaned back as he erupted in joyous laughter. “I couldn’t be happier about this news, mia cara,” he told me, his voice laced with emotion.

A shiver ran down my spine as I absorbed his words. In our world, symbols were everything; they carried power and commanded respect. Our child would be born into a legacy of dominance and control, their very existence a testament to the unbreakable bond between Nicholas and me. I knew that we had to instill in them the same resilience and determination that had enabled our families to survive generations of bloodshed and betrayal.

“You’re sure? I mean, it must come as a surprise. We’ve never talked about children so I don’t know if you want any.”

He pushed my hair away from my face. “With you, I want as many children as you’re willing to give me. One, two, ten - the more, the merrier.”

I thought ten was pushing it, but two sounded nice. Maybe even three or four.

Still wrapped in the warmth of our embrace, I pulled back just enough to look into Nicholas’s eyes. The joy we shared had brought a softness to his usually intense gaze, and it stirred something within me – hope for the future, perhaps, or simply the excitement of moving forward together.

“Nicholas,” I began, my voice filled with equal parts curiosity and anticipation. “What do you think our life will be like once the baby is born?”

He took a moment to consider my question, his eyes reflecting a world full of possibilities. “I think... it will be a new chapter for us, Liliana. One where we can build a better world for our child, and teach them what it means to be strong, loving, and compassionate, while still being strong.”

The words resonated within me, echoing my own dreams of a brighter future. “When do you think our little one will join us?” he asked, his hand gently caressing my mostly-flat stomach.

“July, next year,” I replied, feeling a surge of happiness at the thought of finally holding our child.

A whoop of joy escaped Nicholas’s lips, and he bent down to capture my mouth in a sweet, celebratory kiss. When we finally broke apart, I could see the love in his eyes, as fierce and unwavering as ever.

“Speaking of which, I should probably go get a snack from the kitchen. I’ve been craving these strange combinations lately.”

“Allow me,” Nicholas offered, his protective instincts always at the ready.

“Nicholas, you don’t need to do everything for me. Sometimes, I need to do things for myself,” I said gently but firmly, well aware of his tendency to take control in all aspects of our lives. “Besides, now that you know, I can’t wait to go tell Sophia.”

“All right, but no climbing on ladders,” he relented, understanding the importance of my independence. “Can I share our news? The men need to know, for security.”

I grinned. I supposed some of them needed to know, in case of a medical emergency, but I hardly thought the gardener needed to know.

“Of course,” I agreed, my heart swelling with love for this man who had become my rock in the stormy seas of our lives. “But let’s plan a formal announcement later on, all right?”

“Agreed,” he nodded, his eyes alight with excitement for the future we were forging together.

With one last lingering kiss, I left the sanctuary of our bedroom and descended the stairs to the kitchen. As I gathered maple walnut ice cream, sriracha sauce, and bacon, felt a renewed sense of hope. Our family would be what we made of it - and it would be full of love.

Chapter 8


As Sophia opened the door to her bedroom, I felt a slight thrill at the prospect of sharing my news with her. We sat on the edge of the bed, facing each other. The assortment of food I had brought with me seemed to catch her attention – maple walnut ice cream, sriracha sauce, and bacon.

“Is there something you want to tell me, Liliana?” Sophia asked, eyeing the food curiously.

I hesitated for a moment, suddenly feeling uncertain. Sophia had endured two terrible relationships in the past year, and I worried she might not be as happy for me as I hoped. With a deep breath, I allowed my hand to instinctively rest on my stomach.

“Actually, there is something,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m pregnant.”

The words hung in the air between us, their weight pressing down on both our chests. For a moment, all that filled the room was the sound of our breathing and the ticking of the clock on the wall. My heart pounded in my ears, and I watched Sophia’s face carefully, trying to gauge her reaction. I knew she would never intentionally hurt me, but I feared the pain of her own past might prevent her from sharing my happiness.

Sophia’s eyes widened, the excitement in them nearly palpable. She clasped her hands together and squealed with a joy I hadn’t seen in her for months. “Liliana! This is wonderful news!”

“Thank you,” I said, smiling at her genuine happiness for me. But the weight of my concerns soon crept back in, casting a shadow over my heart. I hesitated before continuing, my voice tinged with worry. “But Sophia, I’m scared. With this ongoing war between our family and the Bianchis... What if they try to use me or the baby as pawns?”

I could see the concern in Sophia’s eyes as she considered my fears, but she didn’t hesitate to reassure me. “You’re strong, Liliana. And I know Nicholas will do everything in his power to keep you both safe.”

“Perhaps,” I conceded, biting my lip. My deep brown eyes reflected the pain and fear that had become all too familiar throughout these tumultuous times. “But this child will be born into a world of violence and danger. The very life we lead puts an innocent life at risk.”