Page 9 of Secret Passion

“No, Mr. Romano,” John replied, his voice shaking. “We were ambushed by another man in the rehab facility, so we couldn’t complete the mission. No one was hurt.” I smiled. Paulie was getting a raise.

“We had to run,” the third man said. “Mr. Bianchi said he’d kill our families if we failed. We got back to New York and sent them away. He’s gone crazy, sir. Anyone who lets him down gets killed, along with his entire family. It’ll only be a matter of time before he finds our wives and kids.”

Wives and children. they’d always been off limits for the Romano family, but not for Bianchi.

“Please, Mr. Romano,” Peter pleaded, sweat glistening on his brow. “We swear allegiance to you. We’ll do anything you ask.”

“Anything?” I mused, tapping the gun against my thigh as I considered their words. I noticed Gary and John nodding fervently in agreement, desperation evident in their eyes. It was a risk to trust these former enemies, but there was potential for strategic advantage.

“Fine,” I finally said, my voice unwavering and authoritative. “You’ll start with low-level jobs, unloading ships in the harbor. And when you’re not doing that, you’ll be interrogated by my men. You will tell them everything you know, think you know, or even suspect about the Bianchi organization.”

“Thank you, thank you, Mr. Romano,” Peter gasped, relief washing over his face.

“Your gratitude means nothing until you prove yourselves,” I warned them, my grip on the gun tightening. “If you betray me or mine, I will not hesitate to end you.”

“Yes, sir,” they chorused, the weight of their new reality settling upon them.

“Since I’m not going to kill you now, I suppose I should know your names,” I said.

“I’m Peter Mahoney,” said the first man. “And this is Gary Hodgkins and John Testa.”

The three men looked remarkably similar, each within a half inch of six feet tall, with dark blonde hair and icy gray eyes. “And you’re not brothers?”

“No, sir,” Peter said.

“Riccardo, you’ll accompany me when we bring them to the harbor. Keep a close eye on them,” I instructed my childhood friend and right-hand man, who nodded solemnly in understanding.

“Of course, Nicholas,” Riccardo replied, his loyalty never wavering.

As we left the house with Peter, Gary, and John in tow, the tension was palpable. The drive to the harbor was silent, my thoughts consumed by the potential consequences of this decision. But there was no turning back now – it was time to see if these men could be molded into assets for our family.

Upon arrival at the harbor, I stepped out of the car, letting the salty breeze whip through my hair and fill my nostrils. The sounds of the workers and machinery filled the air, reminding me of the empire I had built and the responsibility that weighed heavily upon my shoulders.

“Follow me,” I commanded as we made our way to the harbor warehouse. Inside, I found George, Liliana’s former bodyguard, organizing a shipment. He looked up from his work, curiosity in his eyes.

“George,” I greeted him, “I’ve brought you some new workers.” I gestured toward Peter, Gary, and John. “These men are seeking sanctuary from the Bianchi family. They claim to want to take down their former boss.”

George nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. “I’ll make sure they’re put to work and watched closely, sir.”

“Good,” I replied, my blue eyes boring into George’s. “Shoot any or all of them if they step even a fraction out of line. No hesitation.”

“Anything you say, boss,” George affirmed.

Turning back to the three Bianchi men, I let my gaze sweep over them, making sure they understood the severity of my next words. “Behave as though your lives, and the lives of your families, depend on it. Only once you prove yourselves will I protect your families.”

“We swear allegiance to the Romano family, sir,” Peter stated, his voice firm despite the fear that lingered in his eyes. Gary and John echoed his sentiment, and one by one, they each kissed my ring, sealing their commitment.

“Remember this moment,” I warned them, my voice cold and unforgiving. “The second you forget where your loyalties lie is the second your lives end.”

“Sir? Could you spare me a moment?” George asked quietly, so the Bianchi men couldn’t hear him.

“Of course, George. What is it?”

He looked down at his shoes then back up at me. “I was wondering how Mrs. Romano is doing. I know I have no right to ask, not after what I let happen, but I’d sleep better knowing she’s got a good man watching her.”

He was correct, he had no right to ask, but still his concern was touching. “She’s fine. For now she’s confined to the house. Once this war with Bianchi is over she’ll go back to a normal life.”

Relief flooded his face. “With men like James and Riccardo at the house, I won’t spend another moment worrying about her. Thank you sir.”