Page 15 of Secret Passion

Sophia’s cheeks flushed a deep red, and she bit her lip, suddenly looking everywhere but at me.

“You didn’t!” I gasped, half-teasing and half-serious, implying that she took Riccardo to her bed.

“Of course not, Liliana!” Sophia exclaimed, still blushing furiously. “He was rather stiff and formal with me, truth be told. But the next morning, there were roses at my door, and I’m pretty sure they were from him.”

My eyes widened in surprise. Riccardo D’Amico, Nicholas’s childhood friend and right-hand man, bringing roses to Sophia? The implications of this development were both fascinating and worrisome. Riccardo was fiercely loyal to Nicholas, and this could be a serious complication.

“Roses?” I mused aloud, studying Sophia’s flustered expression. “That’s unexpected. They’re beautiful, I’m sure, but... just be careful, Sophia. You know the complexities of our world, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.”

Sophia nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. “I know, Liliana. I’ll be cautious. I promise.”

“Good,” I said, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

“I’ll keep you updated on any new developments,” Sophia said, breaking the silence. “Tell me more about your plans for the baby’s nursery. Have you thought of any themes or colors yet?”

I glanced down at my hands, subconsciously rubbing my still-flat stomach. “I haven’t really given it much thought, to be honest. Everything has been so chaotic lately.”

“Come on,” Sophia said, standing up from the bed and pulling me along with her. “Let’s go raid the kitchen for more ice cream and plot out your dream nursery. We can’t let fear or the Bianchis steal our joy tonight.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I replied, following her lead, never more grateful for her friendship.

Chapter 9


My heart raced as I paced back and forth in the grand foyer of the Romano mansion. Every second felt like an eternity as I anxiously awaited David’s arrival. It had been months since he was sent away to rehab, and there was so much that needed to be said – especially about Nicholas’s investigation into our father.

The sudden sound of a car pulling up outside brought me to a halt, and I rushed toward the front door, eager to greet my brother. My hand reached out for the doorknob, but James, our stoic butler, stepped between us. “Security,” he said, his tone polite but firm.

“Of course,” I sighed, my deep brown eyes flicking to the window beside the door. Though I couldn’t see David just yet, I knew he would soon step out of the vehicle that had come to deliver him home. My chest tightened with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, wondering what state he would be in after all this time apart.

David, my only brother who had once been my rock, my guiding light. He had been groomed to take over the Ricci family business, but his gambling addiction had led him down a dark path. I remembered the nights we would argue, my voice hoarse from screaming, my eyes red and raw from crying. I couldn’t understand why he chose to throw away everything our family had built, while he saw it as his only escape from the crushing weight of expectation.

“Signora,” James announced, his voice pulling me back to the present. “Your brother has arrived.”

“Thank you, James,” I murmured, my eyes glued to the window as David finally exited the car. Though I had hoped for a healthier, more refreshed appearance after his time in rehab, he looked weary and worn. My heart ached at the sight of him, the memories of our once-close bond flooding back as he approached the door.

As soon as James opened the door, I threw my arms around David’s neck, holding him tightly against me. A mix of relief and concern washed over me, threatening to overwhelm my senses. “David, I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered into his ear, my voice wavering with emotion.

He embraced me in return, his strong arms enveloping me in a familiar, comforting warmth. “It’s nice to see you too, Liliana,” he said, his own voice tinged with sadness. “I would have liked to see you on visiting days, too.”

Guilt stabbed at my chest, and I pulled back slightly, looking into his tired eyes. “I’m sorry, David,” I apologized sincerely, the regret heavy on my tongue. “Things have been... complicated.”

“Complicated?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. But for now, he chose not to press the issue further.

“Let’s focus on the present,” I said, attempting to steer the conversation away from my shortcomings. “You’re home now, and we’ll face whatever comes next together, as a family.”

A tall and muscular man with a rugged appearance followed David into the house, his heavy footsteps echoing through the foyer. My eyes narrowed as I studied him, recognizing him to be Paulie, Nicholas’s man who had pretended to have a gambling addiction in order to watch over my brother.

“David,” I said, leading them into the living room, “why don’t we all sit down? You must be exhausted.” The plush leather couches beckoned, providing a temporary sanctuary from the whirlwind of emotions threatening to consume me.

“Can I get you anything?” I asked, my gaze shifting between David and Paulie.

“A drink would be nice,” David replied, rubbing at his tired eyes. “There wasn’t any liquor in rehab.”

“Same for me,” Paulie added, his gruff voice matching his appearance.

“Of course,” I agreed, hoping my brother wouldn’t trade in one addiction for another. As I turned to pour the drinks, David spoke up.