No one had ever treated her like this.
Sex for her hadn’t exactly been exciting or even fun. Her two former boyfriends had been selfish, caring more about their own orgasms than ever caring about hers. For a long time, she had thought she just didn’t like sex. What was to like?
Running fingers through her hair, she glanced toward the door. The past year had been a whirlwind. Willow knew she had been lucky her father hadn’t forced this bar into oblivion.
She had also loved every Friday. At first, she had looked on it with dread. That lasted a couple of weeks. She didn’t know why she was hesitant for his arrival, but every Friday she found herself excited, craving his return, wanting him to come around.
Then she found herself dressing for him. Rebel had a way about him that made her feel … wanted.
It wasn’t even the words he said, but the way he acted. There had been many Fridays when she had spotted random women at the bar, thinking he would stray, but Rebel never arrived until after everyone was gone, and it was just her and him. He’d always stay for one drink, there would be few words, and then he’d leave. She had come to relish those few moments.
Would it be so wrong to give him a chance? She had no idea if it meant anything, or if it was just sex, but she wasn’t committed to anyone or anything.
It was Christmas and last year she had spent it alone, with her single roast turkey breast, where she made more food than she could eat and ended up taking it to a care home. She didn’t know if they had eaten it or thrown it out. All she knew was she couldn’t do it again.
Staring at Rebel’s disappearing drink, she knew he wanted an answer. Willow didn’t mean to play coy, in all honesty. She didn’t know what the hell she was doing. Relationships didn’t come easy to her. The boyfriends she had kind of fell into the role, and she truly believed it was because of easy, convenient sex. She was cheaper than having to pay for it.
Rebel finished his drink, raised his brow, and Willow panicked. She didn’t know what to say or do, and then he took a step away from her, then another. He advanced toward the door.
Are you really going to allow this to slide?
What the fuck is your problem?
You want him, have him, take him, use him, enjoy him!
Rebel reached out toward the doorknob, and she just couldn’t let him go.
He stopped reaching for the door and turned to her.
Willow had run from the counter and now she stood in front of it. The red dress she wore molded to her body. She had spent most of the night behind the bar, where no one could really see her. This dress was for Rebel.
“Come here,” he said.
It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him no, because the truth was, she didn’t know if she had what it took to be with him.
But, against her own better judgment, she felt one foot moving ahead of the other, then another, until she was right in front of him and there was nowhere else to go.
Rebel reached out and she gasped as he pressed her against the main door of the bar. It felt so good to have his hands on her hips, just touching her. He looked into her eyes, and Willow stared back. In that moment, she didn’t care if it was for one night, or a few hours, or even a few days. She didn’t want Rebel to go, not until she had completed this journey with him.
She lifted her hands and placed them on his arms, slowly moving them up until they were at his shoulders. He had thick arms, thick muscles, but she already knew that. The jacket was not small and was tight around his arms. Willow couldn’t recall ever seeing him without his leather jacket on, displaying the emblem of his club.
“Good choice.”
He slammed his lips down on hers, and Willow knew in that moment she had made one of the best choices of her life.
His kisses were almost bruising but they felt so good. She didn’t want him to stop, not for a single moment. The hands at her waist pulled her away from the door. One slid down around her back to grab her ass, and the other moved up toward her hair, sinking into the length.
Rebel broke the kiss first.
“Did you wear this dress for me?” he asked.
“Good.” The hand at her hair grabbed the zipper and slowly began to tug it down, until the dress began to gape.