She didn’t love Rebel and had no feelings for him, other than the basic attraction she felt. That was all this was. Two people, enjoying sex at the holidays.
A little bit of naughty mingled in with all the nice that was going on.
Willow made her way into the kitchen and she glanced down at her body. Would it be so wrong to wear some clothes? Rebel hadn’t wanted her to wear clothes, so she decided against anything, and stepped into the kitchen.
She had never cooked anything naked before. This was going to be interesting. Opening her fridge, she saw the Brussels sprouts she’d been saving for tomorrow. She was one of those rare people that actually loved them.
This time of the year, she loved them boiled, fried, roasted, and even raw. She craved them, and she also loved to eat them with chilies as well to make them spicy. Willow loved to experiment with food, but she had never cooked for Rebel. She didn’t have a clue if he had any food allergies or what foods he liked or disliked. Maybe she should ask him.
Willow shook her head. No. This was sex. Nothing more. And she wasn’t going to allow it to be more than what it was.
Plain and simple.
Good sex.
The best kind of sex she had ever had.
But that was all it was.
Great, amazing, but only for a short time kind of sex.
She grabbed the Brussels sprouts, a chili, some bell peppers, and few other ingredients. She didn’t go for any meat, but instead kept to the veggies.
Willow was already halfway through chopping the vegetables when Rebel stepped into her home, and as he did, she couldn’t help but stop and admire him.
He’d removed all his clothes and as he came into the kitchen, he showed off his fully ink-covered body. Willow had spent many hours wondering what he would look like naked, and nothing had compared to the actual thing.
Rebel had a lot of ink spread over his body, from his chest down to his dick, some on his legs, and then on his arms. She hadn’t seen his back.
He stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
“Am I distracting you?” he asked.
Rebel chuckled. “I’m glad you’ve stopped lying to me.”
“I didn’t lie.”
He released a little growl and she pressed her lips together.
“Promise me something, Willow.”
“Promise you won’t ever lie to me.”
Willow opened her mouth and closed it.
“What?” he asked.
“Then you’ve got to promise me the same thing.” She had no idea why they were promising each other anything.
“I promise you, Willow, that I won’t ever lie to you. I will always tell you the truth.”