“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You know, virginal Lindsey. Well, they believe she is not so virginal anymore.”
“She has a boyfriend?” Clara asked, not really interested in Lindsey’s love life. She was a random girl at school who claimed to be an angel, and was waiting for Mr. Right.
“No. My source claims that she sold her virginity online, to some kind of older man willing to pay for it.”
“Yeah. They don’t know how much she sold it for, but she definitely earned a fortune for her V-card. She was able to pay for school and all that.”
Clara was a virgin. “That’s a real thing?”
“Apparently so?”
“And what is a virgin’s going rate?” Clara asked, thinking of her mother.
“A couple of hundred-thousand. Think about how much school costs, and Lindsey no longer has any debt. Like none.”
Before Clara could ask another question, April’s cell phone went off.
No, she shouldn’t be thinking about it.
April began to giggle and Clara knew it was either Rob or Josh. Her best friend didn’t consider them boyfriend material, but that didn’t mean she didn’t like to lead them on.
After ten minutes of April flirting with the phone, Clara needed a little break and a drink. She gave her the hand signal to say she was going to the kitchen to grab her a drink.
She hadn’t seen Grayson this evening, and most nights she spent at April’s, she rarely saw him. So, she’d sneak down, get herself a drink, and one for April. She’d been to April’s house so often, she could find the kitchen with her eyes closed.
One day, she was going to have a big house just like this. April inspired her, and Clara knew with hard work, she would be able to get it. One day.
Entering the kitchen, she went straight to the fridge. There were several different varieties of soda on offer. She pursed her lips and reached for the citrus-flavored one. Looking at the other cans, she knew orange was April’s favorite, but her friend hated it from the can. She grabbed a couple of glasses from the cupboard and poured out each one, tossing the empty cans into the recycling bin.
Clara picked up the glasses and couldn’t help but wonder about the latest gossip from April. If Lindsey had sold her virginity for money, that was … no, she wasn’t going to consider it.
She faltered. There had never been a single guy that she wanted. She’d never dated. Boys didn’t interest her.
Only one man had interested her.
Her best friend’s dad.
This was crazy and insane.
He thought of her as a whore and there was no way she was going to be with him. No way at all.
And yet, she couldn’t help but hesitate.
That would be one scenario worth pursuing, but a random old guy? She couldn’t stomach the thought. If she sold her virginity, it would solve her mother’s money worries, or at least allow them both to get ahead.
“No. No. You’re not selling your virginity to anyone,” she said, muttering the words under her breath.
She took a step forward and Grayson rounded the corner, entering the open-concept kitchen.
“Are you even a virgin?” Grayson asked.
Why couldn’t she have a normal inner monologue like everyone else? And why did he have to appear now? Sleeves rolled up to show off his impressive arms, looking so delightful.