Page 64 of Gray

“Yeah, I don’t think they have any real loyalty to The Agency or Mesa,” Gray said. “Well, it’s only Camille now. Julien is dead.”

Aubrey slid her fingers through Gray’s and squeezed. She’d always be there now to support him. When an op got too tough or that emotionless tone entered his voice, she would make sure he knew he wasn’t alone. Not anymore.

Without hesitation, Gray squeezed back.

“One less asshole to worry about,” Saint growled. “She recognized me, though. That could be bad.”

“She’s damn smart. And deadly,” Gray added. “If she hasn’t figured out you’re all still alive yet, she will.”

“How close was she to her brother?” Braxton asked. “Do we have any idea?”

Zane glanced up from his laptop. “Very. She’s going to want revenge. No doubt about it.”

“Great. Join the club,” Inda murmured.

“There’s more,” Gray said under his breath, his attention moving to Ryland. “We found out who the traitor is. Mesa confirmed it.”

“Who?” Ryland asked, blue eyes steady and unreadable.

“Cross,” Gray stated.

“I should’ve known.” Ryland swore under his breath and Harper laid a hand on his arm. “He kept telling me I couldn’t trust my own team. Got into my head, riled up my suspicions about all of you. And I believed him. It was all lies.”

“Technically, Cross was a part of Ex Nihilo,” Harper said. “He was your handler. It’s like he was warning you…about himself.”

“She’s right,” Inda stated. “He gave us our ops and his job was to keep us informed.”

“That bastard was the one who tipped off Bashar, fucked us in Abu Dhabi and fed us to the wolves,” Saint said. “Cross was getting a cut, making sure Mesa’s trafficking wasn’t interrupted and providing him with weapons through Bashar. So the last thing Cross wanted was for The Agency to kill either of them.”

Gray nodded. “Cross screwed up and now Mesa is pissed. He said he sent the Merciers to Mexico to find Cross.”

Ryland looked up, his blue eyes stormy. “Cross better hope Camille Mercier finds him before I do.”

The venom in his voice made Aubrey shiver and she tightened her hold on Gray’s hand. Vengeance was guiding this team and that could lead them to terrible, dark places. She’d just helped Gray shed that darkness and she wasn’t about to watch him lose himself in it again.

“Do you think Mesa knows our team took out his son?” Saint asked. “Because he’s a big loose end that needs to be taken care of.”

“We’ll get to him.” Braxton glanced over at Zane who was being uncharacteristically quiet. “Seems we have another big problem, too. Banshee thinks his laptop was hacked.”

“Yeah, someone who called himself Cipher hacked into my network. I’m still trying to figure out how he managed to get past my firewall, but it’s a problem.”

“Shit. Tillman mentioned Cipher on the yacht.” Inda sat up straighter. “So, he’s a hacker?”

“A damn scary, good hacker,” Zane confirmed. “I can’t have my system be vulnerable or anything we’re doing be discovered.”

“No one can hack you,” Gray said. “Well, except—”

His voice cut off when Zane sent him a sharp look.

“Except who?” Braxton immediately asked, not missing a beat.

“My old partner from Black Squadron,” Zane reluctantly answered.

“She’s an even better hacker than Banshee,” Gray added, mouth edging up.

“Debatable,” Zane countered. “But, if anyone can get us answers about Cipher, she can.”

“She? Her?” Inda echoed, caramel eyes gleaming with mischief. “Ooh, do tell.”