“Oh, we’ll make it alright,” Hunter assured them. “And, please don’t call this fine, steel lady a bitch. She’s been nothing but polite to you, Rip.”
“Sorry,” he said with a chuckle. “Didn’t mean to insult her.”
“She accepts your apology.” With a smirk, Hunter closed the cockpit door.
After taking care of Saint, Aubrey sat down beside Gray and kept close watch over him. She gave him a sedative to keep him asleep for the duration of the flight and kept careful watch over his vitals.
As they began their final descent, Gray’s long lashes fluttered open and Aubrey smiled at him.
“How’re you feeling?” she asked.
“Like I got shot,” he grumbled.
“Please, stop getting shot.”
The corner of his mouth edged up. “Technically, I was only shot once. The other time I was stabbed.”
“I’m going to need you to stop getting hurt altogether. Okay?”
“Okay,” he murmured, his eyes slipping closed once again.
Aubrey tucked the blanket up around him and pressed a kiss to his stubbled cheek. Gray was alive and they were almost home. Everything was going to be okay.
Chapter Twenty
Gray normally hated being fawned over, but he thoroughly enjoyed every moment Aubrey spent babying him. It was excessive and sweet, going above and beyond what a normal professional nurse would do.
But he loved it. He lovedher.
He’d known it the moment he saw her face right before he passed out in the Zodiac. Of course, he hadn’t told her yet. Getting shot sort of changed things. Made him realize what was most important and precious. And he came to the conclusion that having Aubrey in his life, in his arms, far trumped getting his revenge and, most likely, being killed in the process. But now, after resting the last couple of days in his bed at the bungalow, he was ready to let her know.
Gray was finally ready to open up and tell her everything. He just hoped it wasn’t too late.
His competent little nurse had just checked his wound and replaced the dressing. She’d also slipped him a couple more painkillers and he was feeling good. As good as someone who’d been shot in the shoulder two days earlier could be feeling, anyway.
“Can I get you anything else?”
Gray’s fingers wrapped around her wrist. “Stay with me tonight.” She hadn’t slept in his bed since they returned, and he was done with that.
“I shouldn’t. You need to rest.”
“Aubrey, I’ve been resting for forty-eight hours straight and I’m doped up on painkillers. You asked me if you can get me anything and the answer is yes. You.”
She hesitated then slid into bed next to him, being very careful not to touch him.
“This isn’t what I meant.”
“You’re healing, and I don’t want to cause you any discomfort,” she insisted, trying to keep her tone business-like.
“Too late.”
Aubrey sat up, indigo eyes going wide. “What hurts?”
Gray cast a glance down to the sheet tented over his very hard, straining dick.