Page 57 of Gray

“Let’s hope his aim sucks.” Saint grimaced as Inda pressed against the towel over his knife wound.

“Incoming!” Braxton yelled.

“Fuck!” Aubrey kept pressure on Gray’s wound, willing Hunter to get the plane off the ground safely. The pilot kept the throttle steady, eyes on the glowing instruments. Then she pulled the throttle back and the jet lifted off the ground.

Back in the cabin, Aubrey released a sigh of relief and began to pack the wound cavity with gauze to stop the hemorrhaging while simultaneously maintaining pressure on it. Everything else happening around her, she ignored.

Until the missile roared up and sideswiped the left engine. For a terrifying moment, the plane shuddered and seemed to stall in the middle of its climb.

“Oh, God.” Aubrey gripped onto the seat, her stomach dropping as the plane momentarily lost altitude. Swallowing hard, refusing to believe it was the end, she pressed her face against Gray’s warm, flat stomach and squeezed her eyes shut.

The idea of her and Gray being over before they ever had a chance to begin gutted her.

Please, please, please.Aubrey prayed for a miracle. That they wouldn’t crash and that Gray would survive. And maybe, hopefully, they would have a future together. Because one thing was crystal clear. She loved Grayson Ellis and she wasn’t about to let him walk out of her life.

“I love you,” she whispered, her lips moving against his abs. He couldn’t hear her, but if this was it, she refused to die without ever having said the words.

After too many tense moments, the plane started climbing again.

“Hot damn!” Hunter yelled from the cockpit while Aubrey slumped in relief. “Who’s your motherfucking daddy?”

“We aren’t out of this yet,” Braxton stated grimly. “Save the celebration, Pyro.”

“Oh, Pharaoh, admit it. My flying gives you a hard-on.”

“You get us out of this and—”

A foreboding clunking sound filled the cabin and everyone exchanged worried looks.

“What’s going on with the engines?” Ryland called out.

“We just lost the left one,” Hunter stated, completely nonplussed. “We’re okay. It’ll just take us longer to get there. But, if they take out the other one, we’ll be up here all day.”

“Fucking terrible joke, Pyro,” Braxton bit out.

As if on cue, another missile zoomed past, sideswiping the plane, lifting and tipping the entire thing in a stomach-dropping move. Aubrey grabbed the seat, falling sideways, as Hunter fought to regain control. Lucky for them, the former Navy pilot was the best of the best, a graduate of Top Gun, and she managed to steady the climbing jet.

Aubrey wasn’t sure if they’d be lucky enough to survive another missile shot, but she shoved all doomed thoughts from her mind and focused on her patient. Losing Gray wasn’t an option. So that left only one possibility—she would save his life.

After packing and cleaning him up as best as she could, Aubrey bandaged it all up. He was stable. She grabbed a blanket and covered him up sohis body temperature remained constant. Gunshot wounds frequently led to shock and she wasn’t taking any chances.

Belatedly, Aubrey realized someone had shut the plane’s door and Braxton stood beside her. “You did good,” he said, squeezing Aubrey’s shoulder.

She glanced up and nodded. “He’s going to be okay.”

“What about this guy?” Inda asked, tipping her chin at Saint.

“All I need is a cigarette,” he growled.

“No smoking on my plane!” Hunter yelled, and Saint rolled his eyes.

Aubrey turned around and quickly examined Saint’s knife wound. “I’ll clean it up and give you some stitches.”

“How about a painkiller?”

“That, too.”

Ryland moved away from the window. “We’re out of their reach. As long as this bitch can keep flying with one engine, we’ll make it.”