Page 50 of Gray

The house seemed strangely quiet and Gray wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Either way, he had a job to do and he focused on that as he led the way forward and around the corner. Voices drifted from the office and Gray motioned for Saint to back up. They quickly moved back around the corner and listened, taking stock of the situation.

Gray heard three distinct voices speaking in rapid Spanish. His Spanish sucked, but he didn’t care what the assholes were saying. Only that they were about to be obliterated and he was pretty sureEl Escorpión was one of the trio. After exchanging a quick look with Saint, they moved forward in a single file, heading straight for the door.

With the element of surprise on their side, they swept into the office and easily took out the two guards standing on the other side of Mesa’s desk. As the men fell, Mesa dropped down to the floor, using the large wooden desk for cover. Gray’s eyes narrowed as he marched over, rounded the corner and angled his gun down.

Unfortunately, Gray didn’t expect to be looking down the barrel of an assault rifle which immediately started firing.

Fuck me.


Back on the other island, the small jet waited in the grass field. Onboard, Aubrey paced back and forth, wearing a hole in the carpet as she marched up and down the aisle.

“Relax,” Hunter said.

“I can’t help it.” Aubrey walked back over to her medical supplies and checked through them all for the hundredth time. God forbid she needed to use anything, but she was prepared in case the situation arose.

After living in Colombia for a year, Aubrey knew exactly how dangerousEl Escorpión and his cartel were. She shivered remembering some of the stories she’d heard from patients who filtered in and out of the clinic. Mesa and his men had a reputation for no mercy on their enemies and were made up of the things of nightmares. And Gray was so hellbent on taking the man down.

It was a terrible combination.

It’s going to be okay. Gray and his team know what they’re doing.

But her reassurances were falling on deaf ears. Worry and stress began to consume her, creating a tight, little ball of dread in the pit of her stomach.

Squeezing her fists together, she spun around. “What’re they saying?” she demanded. Hunter had a comms unit in her ear and was keeping Aubrey aware of the mission as it played out.

“They’re fine,” Hunter assured her. “Gray and Saint just took out several guards and are breaching Mesa’s house through a back window.”

Oh, God.Aubrey shook her hands out and started pacing again.Here we go.They were heading into the viper’s den and she prayed that her big, brave lion would crush the snake and return to her unscathed.

“This is so nerve-wracking. I can’t stand it. How did you deal with this all the time when you were active military?”

“You get used to it.” Hunter lifted her legs, dropped her feet on the armrest across from her and crossed her ankles.

The redhead was the picture of cool, calm confidence and Aubrey envied her. But she couldn’t help worrying about Gray. Her feelings for the big, former SEAL had evolved fast and furious, and now there was no denying the truth.

She’d fallen for him. And there was no turning back. Aubrey needed Gray in her life on a daily basis like she needed air. She wanted to see his rugged face each morning, wanted to wake up beside him and know he would be back in bed with her every night. Her desire for him was strong and unquenchable. At some point, she’d crossed the line from attraction and lust to absolute and fierce need.

Aubrey needed her ferocious, broken, beautiful man. She wanted to help him overcome his past, help seal every crack in his soul with love. A love she felt on a level so deep, it was nearly overwhelming.

The realization that she was falling in love with him hit her like a splash of cold water on the face.

Suddenly, Hunter sat up straight, boots dropping to the floor with a thunk. Aubrey stopped pacing and her head snapped up.

“What’s going on?”

“Rifle shots in Mesa’s office.” Hunter’s brown eyes met Aubrey’s. “Demon and Saint just went radio silent.”

Aubrey’s heart sank.Please, be okay, Gray. Please.


The last thing Gray expected was to come eye to eye with a fucking assault rifle, but he managed to throw himself sideways before the barrage of bullets could take him down. A couple slugs managed to slam into his vest, though, and he cursed as he rolled behind a nearby sofa. Getting hit in his vest always hurt like a sonofabitch and he grunted against the pain.

Gray managed to shout a warning to Saint who dove behind a chair. All the commotion was going to draw more guards and the situation suddenly took a dire turn.

“We’re pinned down in Mesa’s office,” Gray reported, but all he heard was crackle.Shit.Something was interfering with his comms. Meanwhile, Mesa blew through his ammo, firing shots at the couch cushions and the wall behind Gray. Plaster and feathers filled the air and Gray thanked every deity imaginable that El Escorpión had shit aim.