“Theo was good today,” I say, trying to show him that I’m fine, even though I’m anything but.
Theo wags his tail and stands between us, looking confused. He’s probably wondering what’s going on. Finally, Preston heads over to the small couch and coffee table and sets the bag down. He eyes me as he begins to take-out containers.
“Thanks for watching him. I don’t like going home without him. It’s too quiet. So I wanted to come get him. But I thought maybe you might want something to eat, too.”
“That was thoughtful of you. Thank you. It’s not poisoned, is it?”
Preston looks at me sideways. “No. Just thought of you, Paige.”
Okay, so weapons are lowered. Got it. Good. Honestly, I’m relieved. I have no energy for any shenanigans tonight.
“Can we talk about your house?” I ask, changing the subject.
“What about it? What did you do?” He lays out chopsticks and silverware, looking at me with an equal look of exhaustion.
I roll my eyes at him and ignore his look. “Would you like some help decorating? Making it cozier? I could help you,” I offer.
He doesn’t say anything at first. Maybe he’s tired, too. Instead, he just nods. “That would be great. Just no rainbows.”
“Your house is sad beige baby,” I reply, taking a bite of my noodles.
“You’re not making it look like a crayon factory,” he says, lightly jabbing his shoulder into mine.
For the next couple of hours, we sit and eat together like friends do. Only, are we friends? What are we? I don’t know what box to put us in now, but I really like this Preston.
21. preston
I don’t knowwhat she did to me, but I can’t stop thinking about her. She took me out of my comfort zone. The zone where everything had a place, structures, routines, and now I look forward to discovering whatever she’s got up her sleeve. She made life fun again. I don’t even know if I can say again, because I can’t remember a time in my life when it was this fun and exciting. And that’s sad, isn’t it? She flipped my entire life on its head. And I love it. Damn it, I love it.
Tonight, we’re having drinks at Mellie and Ty’s and checking out their new hot tub. They’ve slowly but surely begun making the bunkhouse their home, and they invited a bunch of us over. Paige ordered swim trunks for me online, and God only knows what she picked out for me. I’m having nightmares of the sofa suit experience. I was stuck wearing those hideous bell-bottom plaid pants because all I had with me that day were gray joggers, and that was not going to fly with the old-school judge.
Paige has already left for the day, but I’m catching up on some paperwork. Theo rests his head on my leg, letting me know he’s ready to go.
“All right.” I stand and stretch after a long day full of appointments and paperwork. But as long as it was, I can’t imagine not having Paige help me run this place. I know how lucky I am to have her. I want to tell her that. I just don’t know how. She probably wouldn’t believe I was being serious. I like normal Paige. But I also love the battles we have. I’ve never had someone like her in my life before. Someone who makes me feel more alive.
I pull up the gravel drive and only see Paige’s van. According to my watch, I’m right on time.
I head toward the front of the house and find Paige sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs, sipping a colorful drink. She has on a bright dress that dips low in the front, and I can see a swimsuit peeking out. My breath hitches, and I turn away, trying to pull myself together.
“Where is everyone?” I ask, trying to sound casual.
She takes a deep breath and sighs. “They’re not coming. I think they set us up. Mellie has dinner inside for us, and the hot tub is on back there.”
I roll my eyes but smile. “Why would they do that?”
She shrugs. “Who knows. There’s beer on ice for you back there. Oh, and here are your stupid swim trunks,” she huffs, holding them out.
“Why are they stupid?” I ask, eyes narrowing. “What did you do to them?”
“Nothing,” she says, waving her hand. “I just ordered them like you told me to.”
But something is up, because she isn’t meeting my eyes. “Okay, so are we supposed to stay and hang out, or will they be offended if we just leave?”
She looks disappointed for a few seconds, and then she turns and says, “It’s fine. We can go.” She stands to leave.
“Hold up,” I say, putting my hand on her arm and feeling the zing from her skin to mine. “Might as well hang out for a while. I have no plans.”