Toad, one of Axel’s biker friends, saunters over to Beth, who cradles her babies in her arms. “Beautiful, Beth. Just like their momma,” he says.
“You’re sweet. I’m glad you came. Are you signing up for the auction?” she asks with a smile. “I know a certain barista who would bid on you in a heartbeat.”
“Who?” he asks.
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he says, looking nervous as he tugs his leather cut down over his black faded t-shirt nervously.
“Sign up, Toad. It’s for a good cause.” She nods to the second clipboard for auction sign ups.
“Oh, all right,” he mutters as he takes the pen.
My eyes scan the crowd, and I find Paige again. She grins at me wickedly. “I hate you,” I mouth, the taste of onion still lingering on my tongue.
“I hate you more,” she mouths back.
I turn and walk away before she can see the grin I just can’t hide. Because I don’t hate her at all. She drives me crazy, and I’m kind of loving it. I hear her laughing. Her laugh is everything.
18. paige
Think About Me
I slamthe door to Tootsie, then head into the assisted living facility, hoping it’s not Sheila’s night to work. It’s been such a great day; I don’t want her to spoil it. I sigh with relief when I see Janice and pass her a slice of cake wrapped in cellophane. Her eyes light up when she sees it.
“Boy, am I glad to see you!” I give her a hug.
“Hey, sweets. He’s doing well today.”
“Thanks. I won’t be too long, but we wanted to check in on him.” Pancake is tired from the party today, but I know he looks forward to his daily visits with Harry.
“Hi, Harry. Hi Evelyn,” I tell them as I set Pancake free once I get to their room.
“How’s my birthday girl?” Harry asks, his green eyes red and looking tired.
Thankful and relieved that he remembered, I smile. “Good. I brought you both some cake.” I pull two disposable forks wrapped in napkins from my pocket and hand these to them with their slices.
“Oh, thank you,” Evelyn says with glee, laying her hand on Harry’s arm. I just love these two.
Harry has a mischievous glint in his eye. “I have something for you, too, Bug.” He reaches behind his chair and hands me something wrapped in tissue. My throat hitches, because I know what it is. He gives me one every year. A whittled bird. This time a cardinal painted bright red.
“Oh, Harry. Thank you,” I say, my eyes filling with tears.
“I hope you love it, honey.” He looks excited.
“I do.”
“I hope I haven’t already made you a cardinal. I couldn’t remember,” he says, wrinkling his brow. I can tell he’s confused and also a little annoyed. Not being able to remember really bothers him.
“Nope, no cardinal yet. This is beautiful,” I tell him.
“It means a loved one is always near,” he says. “Like your momma.”
“It’s perfect, Harry. Did I tell you about the auction?” I ask. “They’re doing a fundraiser to help me get my bookstore up and going.” I leave out the part about getting scammed out of all my money because I don’t want to worry him with that.
“That’s wonderful, and I’m not surprised,” he says. “Freedom Valley always looks out for its own.” He takes a bite of his cake.
“I should see if my young friend is going to participate in the auction,” Evelyn muses. “Oh, you would like him, honey. He’s a handsome fella. And single, too.”