Page 27 of Love Inn Books

“What’s this?” I take them from her and quickly scan them. Startled at what I’m reading, I pause.

“It’s the report you wanted. I did it myself. If you still think you need more information, I can call your investigator. But I researched his rates, and I think I did a pretty good job and saved you some money.” Her heavy lashes that shadow her cheeks close, like she’s embarrassed.

I thumb through the report. It’s more extensive than any report I’ve ever gotten from our investigator—or any investigator, for that matter.

“You did all this?” My head whips over to her again in surprise.

“Yeah. Is it good enough?”

“This is... perfect. Thanks,” I say as I set down the papers and sit in my chair. Finally, I ask, “How did you know how to find information like this?”

“I just have a knack for it,” she says casually, then heads back down the hall while I stare after her in bewilderment. She said it like it’s no big deal.Who is this woman?

She shocks me every day. I had no idea when I hired her that she would be this good. She’s completely transformed my office and organized my entire business, and she just saved me money. I wish there was a way for her to just stay here and not open up that bookstore. It’s going to be hard to lose her.

I head back down the hall and slide into the chair across from her. She appears to be working on some sort of color-coded spreadsheet.

“Yes, DW?” she asks dryly, returning to her usual sarcasm.

“Why do you call me that?” I lean forward and look at her curiously.

“You’re rich and you’re a jerk,” she says as she turns away. “Sometimes.”

“Paige, I live in a normal house and drive a Jeep. What makes you think I’m rich?” I deadpan.

“You’re a lawyer. You wear suits,” she says. “You’re fancy.”

“Yeah, and I have, like, over a hundred grand in student loans. I’m not rich.”

“Yeah, okay,” she says. “Oh, I forgot. This is for you.” She hands me a Helena Hunting book with a shirtless hockey player holding a stick on the cover. I don’t miss the slight defiant smile she’s wearing.

“This is what I’m reading?” I turn it over and read the back of it. I try not to show her any reluctance because I want to win this bet with her. “Yeah, sure, fine,” I say, setting it down with no reaction.

“Let me know when you’re ready for the next one in the series.” She winks.

“Are you excited about your auction?” I ask her, changing the subject. Little does she know that I’ll win that little bet. But we have other things to discuss for now.

“Maybe. Are you excited about being auctioned off?”

“Why? Are you going to bid on me?” I ask as casually as I can manage.

“That would probably be unethical, considering I’m the recipient of the proceeds, counselor,” she says with a grin.

Our eyes lock on each other, and her bottom lip quivers.

“Maybe you should go to law school.”

“Four years of school was enough for me. I’m not interested in going back.” She shrugs.

We’re both fighting an attraction here. If she doesn’t feel it, she’s nuts. It’s there, and it’s strong. Her chest heaves with heavy breaths as she stares at me.

Finally, she breaks the stare and mumbles nervously, “I hate you.” Then she goes back to her spreadsheet. I can tell the tension just got thicker, and she can’t hold back a smile.

“I hate you less,” I call as I head to my office. I shut the door and lean back against it, letting out a deep breath.

I need some advice, so I text Ty and arrange to meet him at McGuiness Tavern at seven. He went through some confusing times with Mellie. He’ll know what I should do.

* * *