Page 20 of Love Inn Books

“I hate to tell you, bro, but you’re already a dad. They’re right there,” she says as she motions to Beth’s round belly.

“Yeah, but I can’t see them.” He shrugs and helps himself to a strawberry and a pretzel.

“You will soon enough,” Beth says. “I can’t wait another day. Put a fork in me, I’m done.”

“Neither can I.” He sighs. “I’m out of here. Going over to Ty’s.”

Allie and Beth smile at each other. “Will Preston be there?” Beth asks.

“I think so.”

Beth motions Evan over and whispers something in his ear. They both look at me and smile. “On it. Call me if you need anything,” he says, then heads out with a wave.

We return to talking about the auction but are soon interrupted by a knock at the door. Mellie retrieves the pizzas she had delivered.

“Tell me those are from Freedom Pie. I’ve been craving Freedom Pie.” I moan. Freedom Pie has been around since I was a kid. I have so many memories of trying a different pie every week until Harry and I found the perfect combination of toppings. We had a standing order every Friday for years.

“Sure is. We have a meat lovers, veggie supreme, cheese, and pepperoni.” Mellie calls as she carries them to the kitchen counter.

“I have died and gone to heaven,” I mutter as Allie passes around paper plates.

“I got yours, Beth,” Allie calls. “What do you want?”

“Thanks. Two slices of the veggie, please.” She then turns to me. “So, tell us about the bookstore. I don’t think we ever actually talked about it. What’s your vision?”

Warmth fills my heart at just the thought of it. As I describe it, it’s almost as if I’m there right now, surrounded by books and book lovers in my cozy little shop. “Ladies, it is going to betheplace. The place where people can go to take a load off and surround themselves with good books and great people, and where they can host events. I want a beautiful children’s area where kids can come to fall in love with books. A weekly story hour that is full of adventure and crafts. I’m inviting authors to come and do events and launches. I want it to be the most amazing place for our community.”

“I love that. I bet Logan could connect you with tons of authors,” Allie says. “I’ll let him know.”

“Oh, that would be great,” I say. “I know it’s going to take a lot of work and dedication, and I’m one hundred percent committed. I know this is what I’m supposed to do.”

“Are you going to bring Pancake to the bookstore?” Beth asks. “Because he’ll be the star attraction.”

“Of course. He loves books, too,” I tease. Pancake is curled up next to Beth, paying close attention as he waits for her to drop something.

“This has to happen. Harry’s counting on me. I have to bring in enough to pay his bill every month. There’s this awful lady there—”

“You mean Sheila?” Mellie asks. “She comes to the farmers’ market, and she is one nasty lady.”

“That’s the one,” I say. “I don’t know why she doesn’t like Harry or me.”

“She doesn’t like anyone,” Allie says. “I banned her from the bakery because I overheard her talking trash about the inn. I told her she wasn’t welcome at the innorthe bakery. Haven’t seen her since. It’s honestly been peaceful.”

“How did she take getting banned?” I grit my teeth, imagining the scene Sheila must have caused.

“Not well, but also not my problem. I’ve known her since I was a kid. She’s always been mean, and I won’t put up with that,” Allie says.

“We won’t let anything bad happen. Harry will be safe,” Beth affirms. “Let me make some calls tomorrow and we’ll get the auction set up. The guys will be thrilled,” she says with a laugh and a hint of sarcasm.

Beth smiles at me. “I asked Evan to ask Preston.”

So that’s what was up with all the whispering. “No, we can’t ask Preston!”

“Why not?” Allie asks as she reaches for another piece of pizza.

“He wouldn’t want to help me. Just trust me. We aren’t friends like that. He barely tolerates me.”

“He looks at you like he’d like to be more than friends.” Beth looks at me with a small smirk.