Page 15 of Love Inn Books

Evan chuckles. “Preston would do anything for anyone. He really does mean well. You’re in good hands working with him.” Evan’s kind green eyes meet mine. “I’ll be right back with him,” he says cheerfully as he heads out with Pancake tucked under his arm.

Mellie grins at me. “He’s been baby-talking to that raccoon for half an hour. He loves him. I’m glad you’re both here.”

“I’m glad we’re here, too,” I tell her, and I mostly mean it. I don’t want to just be a freeloader, though, so I ask her, “Can I help?” as she dumps another load of dry towels onto the table.

“That would be great. Then I can get home quicker. Ty’s making dinner.” She folds quietly for a moment or so before asking, “So what’s going on with you and Preston? Do you like him?”

“Way to cut to the chase,” I tease. “Nah, it’s just a temp job until I can get my bookstore up and going. But since he’s giving me a hard time, I’m giving it to him right back. I’ve been playing little office pranks on him to keep him on his toes.”

“I love pranks. Can I help you think some up?”


Mellie smirks at me. “You didn’t answer my question, but I think I already know the answer.”

“He’s not too bad to look at,” I finally admit.

“I knew it!” she says with a satisfied look on her face.

“I think I’d have to bedeadnot to find him attractive.”

“Clearly,” she jokes. “I think you two would be perfect for each other.”

I groan but can’t help but smile. “Apparently Beth thinks so, too.”

“I love seeing you two ruffle each other’s feathers. I love office prank romances,” she teases.

“It’s not a romance. It’s just for fun,” I explain.

She shrugs. “I really do like Preston. He helped me so much by getting me untangled from my ex. He’s a good guy.”

Maybe he is a good guy, and I’ve pegged him all wrong. I guess time will tell.

“I guess he’s an okay guy. But don’t tell him I said that,” I say with a grin.

“Oh, I won’t,” she says. “It’s going to be fun to watch it all play out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, nothing,” she says innocently.

Before I can press Mellie for more clarification, Evan returns with Pancake. “Beth didn’t want me to bring him back. I think you have a whole hype squad out there for Pancake. Even the guests I passed went nuts for him. Can I borrow him again tomorrow?”

Evan looks hopeful. I can’t refuse. “Of course. I’ll check his calendar,” I tease. “He sees Harry in the mornings, but after that, he’s free.”

Who knew a raccoon could bring everyone so much joy?

7. preston

Hold Me

When my alarm goes off,Theo whines and turns over in his bed next to me. “Same, buddy, same. I don’t want to get up either,” I say as I hit the snooze button.

Our new place is starting to feel a bit homier, but I can tell Theo still misses the inn. He likes to be with people, and he loves to be with Kase and Caleb and the other dogs. As I throw on shorts and a shirt, Theo starts to get excited. He knows the signs that we’re going to go on a run. “Let’s go, Theo,” I call as I grab his leash.

I jog through the streets of Freedom Valley with Theo until he slows. I know he’s done, so we circle back to the house, where I feed him and give him fresh water before heading into the shower. I wonder how today will go with Paige. I’m nervous about seeing her. I let the water run down me and think about those curves of hers.

Stop it, I mutter to myself. I can’t think about my employee this way.