Page 5 of Love Inn Books

She ignores me and turns her attention fully on Theo. “Theodore, you’re the most handsome fella, aren’t you?” As she leans over, her curves temporarily sidetrack my annoyance. How can someone be so beautiful and completely exasperating at the same time?

Evan comes out the back door of the inn and strides over. “Hey, man, I see you’ve met Paige.” He turns to her and says, “It’s good to see you again.”

“Evan!” she calls and pulls him into a hug. He’s friends with her too?

I must look confused. “Evan and I went to high school together,” she says with a tiny smirk that Evan probably misses.

I resist rolling my eyes again, and instead say in a bored tone, “That’s great. I’m going to say goodbye to everyone. Garden shed is all ready, man. Thanks again for letting me stay here.”

Evan claps me on the back. “You’re always welcome. Dinner’s almost ready. Feel free to stay.”

I nod. “Thanks, man. I think we will. Come on, Theo,” I call to him and start walking. But when I look back, he’s not following. Instead, he’s leaning into Paige, tongue hanging out, gazing up at her with instant love across his derpy face.

“Theo!” Still nothing. Inwardly, I groan. Are you kidding me?

“Theodore can stay with me.” She smiles smugly.Damn it.

“Whatever, Theo. Traitor.”

Evan raises his eyebrows at me, then turns back to Paige as I head into the inn. I’m glad I accepted the invitation. I need to find out more about this woman, and I need another night of Sasha’s cooking.

* * *

I step through the back entrance and duck as an apron comes flying at me. “I need help, Preston,” Sasha begs with a smile.

“You got it.” I tie the apron around my waist and wash my hands.

Sasha, the chef at the inn, has become a good friend, and I help her out in the kitchen whenever I can. I didn’t know much about cooking or food prep when I got here, but she’s taken the time to teach me the basics. I secretly think she just likes putting me to work, but I don’t mind. I’ve been able to learn my way around the kitchen. Plus, she feeds me, so that’s the best part. There’s only so much Freedom Pie pizza and McGuiness Tavern I can eat. She motions to a cutting board loaded down with veggies to chop and continues stirring multiple pots on the stove. Guests are buzzing throughout the main floor, and I can see why she needs help.

“Full house tonight?” I ask as I begin chopping quickly and pouring veggies into a huge bowl.

“Yes. Packed. Aren’t you leaving tonight? We’re all going to miss you.” She looks over with a sad smile.

“I won’t be too far up the road. And maybe you and Pete can come over for steaks one night,” I say, swiping more vegetables from the cutting board into the bowl. “Let me cook for you for once.”

“We’d love that. I can’t wait to see your new place, but I want you to come back at least a few times a week. It won’t be the same without you here every day.”

“You can’t keep me away,” I say with a wink and continue chopping. “Plus, who will be your free sous chef?”

We’re interrupted by guests wandering in and snacking on an appetizer tray Sasha has set up on the sideboard. It’s hard to describe, but the Golden Gable Inn is a special place and feels like the home I wish I’d had growing up. Guests here are always happy. It’s no surprise that the inn is always booked, and Sasha’s dinners are crowd-pleasers. When you walk through the front doors, Evan and Beth make you feel like family and like you belong instantly. It’s like coming home.

Just then, Allie and Beth come in with bundles of bread under their arms. “We brought warm cheddar jalapeño,” Allie calls.

“And just so you know, it took a lot of restraint not to test it on the way over here. It smells so good,” Beth says with a moan.

Sasha chuckles and points to the counter where she has another cutting board set up. They set the bread down, and I head over to slice that up, too, before she even has to ask.

“Oh, hey, Pres. I heard you had a run-in with our new guest, Paige.” Beth takes a bite of a carrot, her hand going to her belly. She’s having twins, and she’s due any day now. I met Beth last year through Logan, who I’ve known for years. They’re best friends, and I can see what Logan sees in her. She’s top notch.

“She thinks I stole her building,” I say as I slide the still-warm sliced bread into a basket. The aroma makes my stomach grumble. Bread from Allie’s bakery is always so good.

“Well, we were thinking...” Allie starts to say, but Beth shoots her a look.

“What?” I look between them, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Paige has just walked in. The energy in the room shifts, and it feels warmer somehow. Her piercing green eyes and red flowing hair make her a showstopper, and her smile is huge as she hugs Sasha.

“It’s been years, kiddo. You’re all grown up.” Sasha beams. “I haven’t seen you since you graduated from high school and took off in your van.”

Geez, does everyone know her? I feel a little silly now that I thought she was trying to take over my friends. Ugh, what is this, middle school? I don’t know what it is about this woman, but she gets under my skin.