Page 29 of Love Inn Books

“You know.” I flip my hair. “I may not be the ‘it girl,’ but at least whoever does end up with me will never be bored.” I try to make light of how often I am rejected.

“No, Paige, I don’t know. However, you are right about whoever you’re with never being bored.”

I stare at him, trying to decipher if he’s flirting with me. Or should I wait for the punchline to drop? I think he’s flirting.Holy shit.

“Would you like some coffee?” I smile sweetly.

His grin drops, and he says, “Cut the crap, Sunshine.” He points at me, then adds, “You purposely made shit coffee, and you know it. I found your good stash from Allie. I’m on to you.”

“Oh, yeah?” I fold my arms over my chest, then smile at him. “It could be your medication, Preston. Sometimes it can make your coffee and food taste different.”

“I’m not on medication, Paige.” He glares at me. “It tastes like dirty sock water.”

I innocently take a sip of my coffee and raise my shoulders. “I wouldn’t know what dirty sock water tastes like.”

He stalks over and grabs my mug, then takes a sip. He swallows it, and I watch the whole thing unfold as if in slow motion. The way he swallows. The strength of his jaw with its slight five o’clock shadow. How he leans in close. My breathing hitches at his proximity.

“Just as I thought,” he says as he motions to the coffee bar. “You would know what dirty sock water tastes like if you drank the trash coffee you brewed forme.” Then he sticks his foot under my desk, causing my tall Stanley thermos—the one full of delicious coffee that Allie sneaks me every morning—to fall over with a clank. Thank God I put the lid back on.

“Oof,” I say as I try to keep a straight face and pretend I didn’t just get caught. Instead, I try to change the subject. “So, how’s the reading?”

Then he does something that makes me unravel even more. He completely ignores my question and leans across the desk and tips my chin up with his finger. His smoldering gaze blazes through me. His breath smells minty, and his cologne about makes me lose it right here, right now. Then he turns and heads back to his office, shutting the door and leaving me to collapse back onto my chair, suddenly breathless.

The chemistry between us is so hard to ignore. I feel things I haven’t felt before. But how can I? It’s Preston, my boss. My sworn enemy. But is he really? Because the way everyone else describes him and the way he can be so commanding and protective is hot.Ugh. I need to talk to my friends. They’ll know what to do.

* * *

“Thanks for meeting with me, ladies. I don’t know what to do anymore.” I take a sip of the coffee Allie brought for us. “Mmm, this is so good. What is it?”

“Dirty iced coconut chai. Beth has an iced coconut chai. I skipped the espresso in hers.”

“Thanks,” Beth says, leaning back on the couch, her legs up on pillows.

The door opens, and Mellie comes in. “Did you start without me?” She beelines for the last coffee. “Thanks, Al.”

“Nope, right on time,” I say, taking another sip of liquid courage.

“All right, spill it. What’s going on with you and Preston?” Beth asks, her hand smoothing over her enormous baby bump. I have to sit up straight in order to see her over it.

“It’s not just Preston. My love life is on life support, ladies. I’m not sure how you bagged all these awesome guys.” I mutter uneasily.

“Well, to be fair, some of us had a few bad eggs before we found our awesome men. We’ve been there, too. Why not give Preston a chance? I mean, I know you have this whole hot enemies-to-lovers banter happening, and don’t get me wrong, that has been epically fun to watch, but why not see where it goes with him?” Allie says.

“Preston’s a catch,” Mellie agrees.

“I know he is. But let’s face it. He’s an ivy league educated lawyer, and I basically live in my VW van with my raccoon. We’re not the same.”

“Um, no. First, you live in the garden shed, which is a nice barndominium,” Mellie, who, like Preston, is a former resident of the garden loft, defends. “And you’re a business owner, Paige. This bookstore ishappening.”

“It issohappening,” Beth confirms. “You are also gorgeous, smart, and successful. After the auction, I have a feeling you’ll be back in business with the bookstore, or at least a lot closer to it.”

I smile gratefully. “I can’t wait. Thank you for doing this. I’m starting to feel hopeful that it will actually happen.”

Mellie adds, “I have heard everyone is talking about the auction. They’re really excited about the bookstore.”

“Has Preston ever said anything that makes you think he thinks he’s better than you?” Allie asks, going back to our original conversation that I hoped we had skipped over. Dang it.

“No, it’s not like that. We tease each other, but he’s been good to me for the most part.”