Page 16 of Love Inn Books

Paige makes me crazy. I can’t figure out whether it’s good or bad. But whatever it is, it makes me feel alive. I didn’t realize how out of it I was until she stepped into my life.

I change my focus to the day ahead. One of the things I love about Freedom Valley is that every case I have is different. I can be setting up wills, handling a divorce case, or settling a business lawsuit. Family law was so emotionally draining. I saw a lot of domestic violence and child custody cases that turned downright ugly. By the end of the day, I was emotionally spent. I know I made the right choice. My father has been emailing me again, and my mother left several more voicemails. I should probably respond at some point to get them off my back, or they might come up here to Freedom Valley. I shudder at that. I don’t want them here. Nothing good would come of that.

Before I head into the office, I swing into Freedom Bean to pick up breakfast burritos for my two favorite people. I wave to Kristi, the barista, as I enter, and she smiles at me. “Hey, Preston, your usual?”

I nod.

“You got it,” she says as she taps my order into the register. “Three burritos and a large black coffee to go.” I tap my card to pay. “How have you been?” she asks as she pours my coffee.

“Oh, you know. Just work and hanging out with Theo.”

“Well, have a good one,” she says as she slides the coffee over and hands me a bag.

“Thanks, Kristi.” I wave as I leave.

Evelyn and her partner in crime, Harry, are two of my favorite people ever. They became companions at the Freedom Valley Assisted Living facility last year, and those two are living their college glory days—only they’re both in their eighties. They keep the nurses on their toes. The food sucks, so they know they can count on me to pop in with breakfast burritos a few times a week. I am really glad they have each other. Evelyn is more than a client to me. She’s become like a grandmother. I’d do anything for her, and she’s a bright spot in my day every week when I get to go see her.

I head in and pass horrible Sheila at the front desk. She glares at me, but I wave and smile anyway. I have no idea why that woman is angry all the time. I prefer it when Janice is here. Evelyn tells me some of the things Sheila says and does, and I’m not a fan. Personally, I think she’s in the wrong line of work if she doesn’t even like people.

I knock softly. “Come in,” Evelyn replies. I gently open the door, and she and Harry light up when they see me. “Look, our favorite guy is here,” she says, taking the bag of burritos.

“You just love me for my food delivery,” I say as I give her a hug and reach down to hug Harry, too. “How are you guys doing?” I ask as I slide into a chair across from their beds and open my own burrito on my lap. I love catching up on all their drama.

“Oh, you know, same old. Just beating Evelyn at Bingo and such,” Harry says as he gleefully tears into his food.

“Is that true?” I raise my eyebrows at her.

“Pfft, I let him win sometimes,” she says. “He doesn’t even pay attention and misses half the numbers called.”

“Oh, she doesn’tletme win,” Harry huffs. His expression changes to serious, and he adds, “You know Sue Ellen down the green hall thinks you’re a catch, son.”

I choke on my burrito at that. “Well, thanks, Harry, but I think Sue Ellen might be a little old for me.”

“She still has all of her teeth,” he says, then shrugs.

Evelyn shushes him. “We already have someone in mind for my Preston, don’t we?” She gives Harry a look.

“I’m good, thanks,” I say. I don’t want to be fixed up with anyone. I change the subject. “So have you been giving the staff hell again?”

“Us? What? We would never...” Evelyn says, a teasing tone to her voice. “We’re angels.”

Harry laughs and covers his mouth. “Should we tell him?”

“Tell me what?” I ask around a mouthful of burrito.

“Nothing,” Evelyn states quickly, with a frown at Harry.

“You know the truth will come out eventually,” I warn with a playful grin.

“Snitches get stitches,” Harry says. He leans back to look out the door to see if any of the nurses are around.

“Don’t get into too much trouble,” I say. I finish my burrito and throw away the trash in the bag so I can take the evidence with me when I leave.

I notice a feeder on the outside of the window. “What kind of bird feeder is that?” I ask. I haven’t ever seen one like that before. It’s full of marshmallows and Froot Loops. I shake my head, wondering what kind of birds would eat that. What happened to plain old bird seed?

Harry shrugs and says, “It’s for my little friend.” As if everyone already knows this.

“All right, I have to get to the office. Be good.” I grab everyone’s trash, then head down the hall. I nod and smile at the nurses and front desk people, and they wave. Except Sheila. She frowns and practically growls as I walk by.