Page 10 of Love Inn Books

“Well, I better get back there. I only have time for a quick visit. Have a good day,” I tell her and head down the hall with Pancake shaking with excitement in his bag. He can’t wait to see his Harry.

“Knock, knock,” I say as I step inside and swing the backpack down so Pancake can get to Harry.

He smiles so big and calls out, “Is that my favorite granddaughter?”

Pancake circles Harry excitedly and puts his little black hands up, wanting to be picked up. Being apart from Harry has been hard on him, and Harry misses him just as much.

“I’m your only granddaughter, Harry,” I say with a chuckle, then sit in the chair across from him.

“Where’s Evelyn?” I ask, looking around.

“She went to breakfast. She’ll be back soon.”

“Oh, tell her I said hello. I can’t stay long. I start my new job today.”

“Job? What happened to the bookstore?” He wrinkles his forehead in confusion and worry.

“It’s still coming together. Don’t worry. I just needed to save up a few things,” I reassure him, relieved that he even remembered the bookstore. Janice was right. It must be a good day.

“I always worry about you, Bug. Even though I know you’re tough. Just like your momma. Are you settling in okay?”

“I am. I’m staying at the Golden Gable Inn. Do you remember that place?”

I can tell he’s trying to remember, and it’s tough. Finally, his eyes brighten, and he remembers. “Margie and Richard! They own the inn. They’re wonderful people. Please give them my regards.”

I bite my lip. “I think Richard has passed, but their son Evan and his fiancée Beth are running the inn now.”

“Oh, that’s right.” He nods. “Where’s their daughter now? Is she still in California?”

“She lives here now. Allie owns the new bakery in town called Baked Inn Love.”

The door opens, and Evelyn comes in. She’s got her hot pink walker with bright yellow tennis balls on the bottom of it in front of her. She waves to some other residents in the hall as she enters. These two crack me up the way they run around the facility like they’re the unofficial mayors. They’re the cutest companions, and I’m glad they have each other.

“Hey, Evelyn. How was breakfast?”

“Hello, my dear. It was lovely, as always. My breakfast buddy couldn’t stay. He said he had to get to work. But he is the most eligible bachelor in Freedom Valley. Did you know that, dear?”

“I did not, but I’d love to meet him someday,” I add, humoring her.

Her eyes light up when she sees Pancake. She heads to the drawer by Harry’s bed and pulls out a small box of Froot Loops—Pancake’s favorite.

“Evelyn,” I pretend tease. “You’re going to give Pancake a cavity.”

She looks at me and says, “You named him Pancake. His nameisa cavity.”

I laugh. “Fair enough.” I watch Pancake eat Froot Loops from her hand as she pets him with the other. The way her smile lights up her whole face reminds me of why I smuggle Pancake in here.This.He makes them so happy.

The door cracks, and Janice sticks her head in. “Hey, I’m on all day if you just want to come back later for Pancake.”

I glance over at Evelyn and Harry, who are both grinning from ear to ear, nodding. Likely in the next twenty minutes, Pancake will be curled up with one of them, snoozing away while they plot out more shenanigans. Rumor has it that last week, they superglued Sheila’s mug to her desk. Probably not helping her case of disliking them so much. The staff usually love their pranks, but not Sheila. She tries to run this place like a drill sergeant. Sometimes I think she forgets that the residents are human beings.

“But you two better behave yourselves today.” She points sternly but can’t hide her smile. She shuts the door as they both cackle with laughter.

“I’m afraid to ask. What have you two been up to?” I tuck Pancake’s bag into the corner of the room to get it out of the way.

“Oh, nothing,” Evelyn mumbles, waving her hand.

“Nothing at all,” Harry adds.