Page 23 of The Holidate Season

Serena doesn’t respond for several long moments. She’s too busy chewing on the inside of her cheek, lips twisted. “So why’d you sell it?”

I bob my head side to side. “That’s complicated. I didn’t have a choice, but my mom doesn’t know. And if I don’t have to tell her before Christmas, I’ll choose that option.”

“What’s my role? If I’m not the owner, how will you explain me to your mom?”

Holy Christmas miracle … is she really considering this? Just like that?

I honestly hadn’t gotten that far, but now I need a solid plan. “You could stay at my place. A house swap for the holidays. No need for you and my mom to meet.”

Her brows draw together for a beat before she covers her mouth and snorts. “House swap?Thisfor your trailer?”

“What’s wrong with my trailer? Aside from the fact that it no longer has a standing mailbox?” I cross my arms.

Her nose scrunches. Then it relaxes as she sighs. “I’ll stay upstairs in the attic.”

“For two weeks?”

She nods. “There’s a mini fridge.”

“If my mom sees you—”

“She won’t.”

This is too good to be true. I best not press my luck, so I nod.

“Why’d you lose the house?”

I narrow my eyes. “Why’d you run into my mailbox?”

“I have narcolepsy.”


“It’s a neurological disorder where—”

“I know what it is. I just wasn’t expecting that to be your reason.” I roll my eyes. But if I’m honest, I don’t really know a lot about narcolepsy, probably just a generic idea that it has something to do with not being able to stay awake.

“I’m more dangerous during the day. Sadly, I’m less likely to fall asleep at night. Except tonight.” She frowns. “That was unexpected.”

I chuckle. “Tell me about it.”

“Why’d you lose your great grandfather’s house?”

I glance at my phone. “It’s a quarter after two in the morning. Can we finish this conversation another time?”

Serena nods several times, curling her hair behind one ear.

I still don’t get why she’s going along with this so easily. Not that I’m complaining.

“Where are you going?” she asks.

I open the door. “Home.”

“How will you get there?”

“Legs. I’ve got a working pair. See you Monday. That’s when my mom arrives. I’ll bring groceries, clothes, and some photos to put back on the mantel. And we’ll have to decorate for Christmas before I pick her up from the airport. Are the decorations still in the attic?”

Her head inches side to side.