Page 42 of A Prague Noel

“Maybe at that—what was it, aprom?”

I laughed. “Prom, yes. It’s this American tradition. In your last year of high school—secondary school—we have this very formal dance. Some kids go all out with limousines and five-star meals. Ball gowns and tuxedos. It’s a whole big thing. Real rite of passage, I guess. It’s the night a lot of kids…” I laughed, feeling stupidly shy. “Have sex for the first time.”

Ondrej chuckled. “Sounds like a fun night. Can you waltz?”

I wrinkled my nose. “I took lessons about a thousand years ago, so I have no idea.”

He pulled me a little closer with a lazy smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll lead. Just let go.”

My knees wobbled just a little as he led my body in cadence with the waltz. At first, I felt like every eye in the room was boring into me. But as we moved, my nerves melted, and the watchful eyes of the other guests seemed to dissolve into a blur. Ondrej spun me around the dance floor effortlessly, his strong arms turning me and twisting like I was nothing but Jell-O. I couldn't help but lose myself in the moment. The initial reluctance I had felt was replaced by a sense of freedom—a joy I hadn't realized I was missing.

We said nothing as we floated across the wooden floor. Ondrej was a practiced dancer, no doubt, effortlessly turning and urging my body to move, thankfully, because I felt like a clueless ragdoll being tossed about in high heels.

The song reached an obvious crescendo, and the space between us dissolved, pulling us closer. Too close. Our eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between us, rich with unspoken thoughts and rising tension. The air around us was charged, a living pulsing thing.

In that suspended moment, as the music swelled to its final note, he leaned closer. Our breath—tinged with champagne—mingled. The rest of the world faded into insignificance. My heart was thudding, a mix of anticipation and something that felt dangerously like hope.

Just as our lips were inches apart, Pavel’s urgent voice shattered the spell.

"Ondrej!" He was slightly breathless as he made his way to us. Ondrej let out a jagged exhale and broke apart from me. He turned toward Pavel’s.

“What a welcome interruption. Again,” Ondrej said with dripping sarcasm. Pavel only slightly acknowledged his brother with an eye roll before launching into what he came to say.

"You're not going to believe this, but Greta Wolf is here.”

Ondrej’s eyes went wide. “You invited her?”

“No. She was not invited. She just arrived unexpectedly."

My stomach roiled at the words, the very phraseGreta Wolfnow triggering a cascade of professional anxiety.

Ondrej's expression hardened, any remnants of our intimate moment vanishing as he switched into a more guarded, protective mode. The romantic tension that had enveloped us moments ago was gone.

“What does she want?” Ondrej asked.

Pavel shrugged. “Assuming here to observe.”

“Or sweet talk you,” I said bitterly.

Pavel smirked. “Have you met Ms. Wolf? There is nothing sweet about her. Anyway, I know this is awkward, Sienna, but please excuse us.”

I sighed and stepped back, creating distance between myself and Ondrej.

“Of course. Go. Thanks for the dance. I’ll—talk to you later, I’m sure.”

Ondrej shot me a regretful half-smile before heading off with his brother.

After Ondrej departed from my presence, I felt a strange emptiness. It was like a weight on my shoulders, a tension wrapped around me, suddenly melted away. I felt lighter but also slightly empty. I took a deep breath and wandered back over to the wine table. I busied myself with a fresh glass of champagne and tried to collect my thoughts.

“Well, that was an interesting spectacle,” I turned and saw Dominika standing beside me. She had a slightly cheeky, upturned smile on her lips. Her eyes were a little more relaxed than at the beginning of the evening.

I nervously tucked my hair behind my ears. “What do you mean?”

Her smile grew a little wider. “You and my brother, out there on the dance floor, cheek to cheek.”

I felt my cheeks heating up, and I turned away, diverting my attention. “Oh, it was nothing. We were just, you know, dancing.”

“Yes, I saw. Everyone saw. It was very intimate.”