Page 6 of Ruthless Passion

“Have you thought more about what Rocco said?” she asks, and it finally clicks as to why we’re having this conversation.


She shakes her head. “You’re going to be a good underboss, Dario. You’ll be fair but strict. The men respect you already, and I know if anyone can make it work in Missouri, it’s you. You’re going to be great, and you’ll grow the Famiglia to become just as powerful as the Irish.”

She has so much faith in me that my heart fills with pride at how amazing she is. After all the shit she’s been through, she’s standing strong and being Adelina.

“You’re too good for that Irish brute,” I quip, knowing that my sister loves her husband and nothing anyone says will ever make her see him as anything other than the man she loves. Hayden Gallagher cherishes her. He’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy and that’s all any of us want.

Her laughter is soft but filled with happiness. “You’re crazy. But, Dario, I think you should take it.”

“You’re wanting to get rid of me?” I laugh.

Her expression falls. The happiness that was once in her eyes has gone, and she’s watching me, horrified. “God no. Oh, Dario, no. I’ll miss you but you’re not going to get away that easily. You know I’ll be calling every day.”

I smile at her. She’s the sweetest, most pure person I’ve ever encountered.

“I think you should take it so you can start fresh. No more living in the shadows of what happened. It’ll be a new beginning. A chance for you to forge your own path without having the past at your back. You’ll be the only Gallo in Missouri. They won’t know of our father. All they’ll know is you.”

“Never thought of it like that,” I muse. It’s a great way to view it. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

She lifts her shoulders and shrugs. “Maybe because it’ll hurt your head?”

My lips twitch at her words. “If I go, who’s going to watch out for you?”

She sighs. “I can take care of myself. Besides, I have a husband who will kill anyone who dares to even think about trying to harm me. Not to mention, Elio lives less than twenty minutes away, and it’s not as though you’re leaving the country, Dario. You’re like a three-hour plane ride.”

She’s given me a lot to think about. I’ve been putting off accepting as I wanted to stay close to Ade. After all the shit that happened, it didn’t feel right leaving her, but she’s made some great points. I think speaking with Rocco and trying to sort out the logistics of it all is a good idea, and if it comes together, then I’ll become the Underboss of Missouri. Christ, I never thought I’d rise that far within the ranks of the Famiglia. I always believed I’d make it to captain—a position I got at a young age due to my father being the Boss. I never thought I’d rise higher.

Ade’s cell buzzes, and a wide smile forms on her face as she reads the message. “Hayden’s on his way home.”

“Once he’s here, I’ll get out of your hair,” I tell her, and she gives me a blinding smile.

Not even fifteen minutes later, Hayden walks into the house and moves toward my sister.

“That’s my cue to leave,” I comment as he pulls her into his arms. I like the guy and I know he’s married to Ade, but I’m still not okay with him mauling her.

“Bye, Dario,” Ade calls out, laughter in her voice. “I’ll call you later. Go and talk to Rocco and make a decision.”

I shake my head as I leave their home. Damn, that woman always knows what I’m thinking. Since marrying Hayden, she’s become a lot more assertive and confident. She’s come out of her shell and is able to be herself. We owe Hayden for helping our sister through the darkest of times. I don’t know if she would have made it if she didn’t have him.

“I’ve been expecting you,” Rocco says as I enter his home.

I raise a brow at his words. How the hell did he know I would be stopping by?

“Ade,” he says with a smirk.

Christ, that woman is on a fix Dario kick right now.

“She’s worried,” he tells me. “She wants the best for you, Dario, and that means she’s going all out to get it for you.”

I shake my head. “She needn’t be worried. I’m fine.”

It’s his turn to raise his brow, and the look of disbelief on his face has me biting back a curse. “Let’s go to my office,” he says, and I dutifully follow behind him. “Ade didn’t tell me about what you spoke about. She just said you could be coming to see me.”

I nod as I take a seat. “Hayden had business to attend to and I wanted to check in on Ade. It made sense that I stayed and watched over her while he was gone.”

“Christ, Dario, I wasn’t asking why you were there. I was wondering what’s going on?”