Page 87 of Ruthless Passion

He takes a step backward and nods. “Let’s go, and don’t tell anyone about the wedding. I want to see if they notice your rings.”

I look down at the beautiful princess cut diamond ring and laugh. “It’s huge. It could blind them. I’m not sure how they’d miss it.”

He merely shrugs. I know he’s been dying for people to know we’re married. He loves that he gets to call me his wife and loves even more that I call him my husband. He wanted to tell his brothers in person and hasn’t seen them since we got hitched. But tonight is the night. I’m slightly nervous but also extremely excited. I can’t wait to see my girls and see their faces when they find out we’re married.

“You must be the gorgeous Inessa,” I say as a gorgeous blonde walks toward me with Teagan at her side. “I’ve heard so much about you. How are you?” She’s been through hell and back, but thankfully, she’s come out of it the other side. She was brutalized by Sergei Turgenev. But seeing her now, I can see how much she’s overcome and how happy she looks.

She nods. “I’m doing a lot better, thanks,” she replies, her voice husky and soft.

I feel the heat of someone’s gaze. Following it, I see a dark-haired, muscular man staring at her like he wants to whisk her away and fuck her until she’s breathless. Niccolò Caruso looks a lot less broken than he did the last time I saw him. He lost his daughter tragically a few years ago. Chiara was sweet and wonderful.

“Your husband can’t take his eyes off you.” I grin at her. “He doesn’t look as haunted anymore.”

She turns to her husband, and the look that passes between them is so hot, it makes me want to find Dario, take him to an empty room, and let him do what he wants to me. “Holy shit, now that is hot.”

“Like you can talk,” she says with a wide smile. “You and Dario?”

I raise a brow and smile. I’m not one to really talk about our private life, especially when we’ve just met. “Yes?”

“Is it serious?” she asks.

Oh, more serious than anyone knows. Dario is my everything, and I love him with everything I am. But sometimes he annoys me like no other. “Sometimes it’s fine, other times it’s a little crazy.” I semi-lie.

Teagan and Inessa share a look, and it’s one that says they don’t believe me. I would laugh, but I know that if Dario hears me saying we're just fine, he’ll kiss me and I’ll be breathless, and then I’ll have to kill him. I like to keep things between us private. I think it’s better that way, for us both, especially when there are so many women who’d love to try to come between us and I can’t deal with their pettiness.

“I’m in town for the next week. We need to have a girl’s night,” I say to the girls. “That includes you, Inessa. It’ll be nice for us all to get to know you better.”

“Who’s we?” Inessa asks as she looks between Teagan and me.

Teagan steps forward a little more. “It’s us girls. Me, Portia, Jade, Ade, Anna-Marie, and you.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be there, but don’t be surprised if Niccolò wants men on me. He’s a little protective.”

I wave my hand in the air. Hell, she has no idea what Dario’s been like since I was taken. He won’t let me out of his sight for more than an hour. “Don’t worry about that. We usually pick a house and stay in for the night. If Niccolò would prefer to have it at your house, that’s fine.”

“Thank you,” she says with a sigh of relief, and I have no doubt we’ll be spending the night at her house.

“Portia, Teagan,” I hear Kelvin say, and I groan. I forgot he was going to be here. “Lovely to see you again, and you’ve brought me a friend.”

Teagan laughs. She finds him funny. “Kelvin, this is Inessa. Inessa, meet Kelvin. He’s a friend and Portia’s boss.”

I shake my head. The man continues to piss Dario off. He does everything he can to get on his bad side and then the two of them argue and I can’t deal with it. I wish they’d get along and make my life a whole lot better. But both men are a pain in my ass.

“I like her,” he says to me, nodding in Inessa’s direction.

“She’s married, and if you don’t want to go to war with the Gallo’s, I’d stay clear.”

Kelvin throws his head back and laughs. “Oh, Portia, you already know I’m head-to-head with the Gallo’s. It’s only a matter of time before that fucker loses his mind and we go into a full-blown war.”

Anger whips through me. God, will he ever grow the fuck up? “Why do you have to be such an ass, Kelvin? Seriously, you’re always pushing him. Why?”

“It’s easy to do and it’s fun watching you try to rein him in,” he laughs. “Besides, you’re hot and you’re a good flirt.”

Teagan shakes her head. “Seriously, you guys need to get a room. You’ve been tiptoeing around this attraction for a while now.”

“Never going to happen,” I hiss, bile rising up my throat and making my stomach churn. “I’d rather be dead than be with him.” Kelvin is like my brother. I don’t think of him any other way than my boss and a friend.

“That can be arranged,” he replies with a smirk.