Page 85 of Ruthless Passion

Portia doesn’t flinch. She doesn’t even blink. She stares blankly at him as he struggles. “See,” she laughs. “Utterly worthless. I wonder what would happen if I did this,” she says, and holds the hilt of the knife in both hands before plunging the blade into his groin.

The howls of pain that erupt from Marco are something you’d hear in the wild. It’s animalistic and horrifying. Then again, when someone pushes a blade through your cock, it’s got to be painful.

“Do you still feel like a man now, Marco? Hmm? Now that your tiny, fun-sized cock is no longer in action, do you still feel like a man?”

Marco breathes heavily through his nose as his chest rises and falls rapidly.

“Fucking A, bro,” Elio praises from beside me. “She’s ruthless. I fucking love it.”

“If she ever needs a job, tell her to call me,” Stephen says with a laugh.

I turn and pin the asshole with a glare. “Not happening,” I snap. “Where the fuck is Kelvin?” I ask. He’s missing all the fun.

“I’m here,” he says, coming to join us. “I see that Portia has let out her anger.”

I turn my attention back to my woman and see she’s smiling sweetly at her prey. “You still haven’t answered me, Marco. Do you still feel like a man?”

“Fuck you,” he hisses.

She tuts. “Sorry, dude, but that’s never going to happen. Not with that useless appendage. Besides, you don’t know how to satisfy a woman.” She pulls the blade from his groin and wipes the blood on his white shirt. “Now, I’m getting bored, but the men did promise me that I could be the one to kill you. Oh, and you should thank Elio for the suggestion of taking your cock away from you.”

Elio chuckles. “Didn’t realize there wasn’t much there. What did you call it? Fun-sized?”

Chuckles sound around the warehouse. Even Robert is laughing at the bastard. I turn to the judge and see he’s almost dead, his face pale and clammy. He’s got to be in a fucking lot of pain. He’s not made a sound, but blood is leaking from him like a fucking tap.

“I don’t think there’s a name for anything smaller than fun-sized. If there was, that would be accurate.” She releases a yawn, and I know it’s all part of the show. “I’ve always wondered how to make a grown man cry, and I’m so close. So fucking close to making you do so.” She runs the blade along his face again. “So I was thinking: what makes you feel as though you’re better than everyone else? And it hit me. Your power. I’ve taken away what you deem to be your manliness, so the next thing is to take away your power, and for you, that’s seeing everything.”

She grips the hilt of the knife in her fist and shoves the blade into his right eye. She’s fucking brutal, but I love every second of it. Marco howls in pain and Portia laughs. “Knew that would be your breaking point,” she taunts. “My work here is done.” She pulls my knife from his eye, earning another howl from Marco.

“Who would like to take over now?” she asks.

I glance over at Kelvin and nod. He can, because I’m taking out Robert. Kelvin pushes his sleeves up to his elbows and grins as he stalks over to Marco. “I’ve killed plenty of people,” he says, his words thicker and darker than ever before. “But this is going to be the greatest one, what with knowing that we’ve halted your business and made it crumble to nothing without doing much. We’re going to ensure that all those who’ll be attending on Monday die in a gas explosion. This shit isn’t happening again. I can fucking promise you that,” he snarls as he steps behind him. He grips his neck in his hands and twists it so hard, it snaps. That’s all it takes for the bastard to die.

The man lost everything: his business, his life, his dignity, and his power. The last being the one that broke him the most.

Kelvin stands beside Portia, and I’m not even jealous as she leans against him. What happened today has shown me that he cares for her as a friend. I also need to speak with him once this shit is done. He’s not to blame for what happened. He trusted the wrong person. Today, we got lucky. He’ll use this as a lesson to never trust anyone unless they’re family.

“Two down,” Stephen taunts.

“Fuck you,” Robert hisses. “It’s ten against one.”

Portia laughs. “You wish. We don’t need to gang up on you. You’re just as weak as Marco, Robert, or whatever the fuck your name is. You’re nobody, and no one is ever going to know who you are. You’re going to die, and you’ll do it alone.”

He grits his teeth, pulling against his bindings. “Come say that here,” he snarls at her.

“You do not talk to her,” I snap at him as I edge closer. “You do not fucking look at her.” He hurt her. He betrayed her. He was supposed to be a friend, a work colleague, someone she could turn to if she needed help. Instead, he tried to lead her to a life of brutality. No, he does not get to talk to or look at her.

“What are you going to do? Hmm? You think we don’t know what you did? The horror of what you did to that woman and baby?”

I don’t know how he found out. I don’t even care that he knows. Portia knows the truth, and she’s with me.

“That all you got?” I hiss as I unbutton my cufflinks. “That the only thing you can do? Resort to bringing up the past? Go ahead. No one gives a fuck what you have to say.”

He glares at me. “What’s this?” he asks as he watches me fold my sleeves up. “You’re going to kill me now, Dario?”

I grin at him. “Without a fucking doubt,” I hiss as I take my knife and drive it into his chest, making sure I stay away from his heart. I don’t want him to die just yet. It would be too fucking easy. He glares at me. Unlike Marco, he’s not giving me anything. He won’t cry out in pain. That’s okay, I’ve only just started.

I slide my knife into his side, pushing it hard and piercing his lung. His eyes widen as his breathing deepens. Oh, that’s got to hurt, especially when I twist the knife deeper, making his lung collapse in the process. Now that’s got to hurt like a motherfucker.