Page 73 of Ruthless Passion

“Is it that woman again? Is he back with her?”

“I’m not sure which woman you’re referring to,” I say, wondering just how much this old lady knows about her husband’s extracurricular activities.

“Nadia,” she hisses. “The woman he had an affair with years ago. Is she back?”

Now that’s not the name of one of his mistresses, but it’s good to know there were more. I wonder if they’re actually mistresses or if they’re women he’s purchased. They’re a fuck of a lot younger than he is.

“Come on, Suzette, into the car,” Beppe says softly as he takes her hand and helps her into the vehicle he and Santo are driving.

“You good?” Elio asks as I slide into the passenger's side of our vehicle. “Rocco’s checked in. They have the woman, but there’s no sign of the kid. The same for Stephen and Maverick.”

My brows knit together. “Where the fuck are the kids?” It makes no fucking sense. It’s late at night. We hit the judge’s house when darkness had settled, making it harder for us to be seen. So where the fuck are the kids?

“Kelvin wants us to bring them to the warehouse he has. He says it’s set up for tonight,” Elio says as he starts the engine. “From what Rocco says, it’s like Kelvin’s kill house.”

I shrug. I don’t give a fuck what it is, as long as we’re able to question the fucking judge and find out when this shit is going down. I also want to know where the women are being held. Once we have that information, we can free them and kill the bastards that are guarding them.

It takes us less than forty minutes to arrive at the warehouse. They weren’t fucking joking when they said it’s his kill house. The floors are covered with clear plastic, and there are four chairs set up, two of which have been taken by the judge’s mistresses.

Elio carries the judge to his seat and Beppe helps Suzette to hers. Once they’re there, Kelvin and Maverick bind their hands and ankles to the wooden chair.

I chuckle as Stephen sits on his haunches and slaps the judge’s face, trying to get him to wake the fuck up. It doesn’t take long, just a few minutes. The judge blinks a few times, his eyes narrowing when he sees Stephen in front of him, but then they widen when he sees his wife, and then even more so when he sees his mistresses.

“Welcome,” Kelvin says, his British accent thick, anger lacing his words. “I take it there’s no need for me to introduce the women we have here. You know Monica and Sarah, right, Judge?”

“Dell?” Suzette asks, her words etched in pain. “What have you done, Dell?”

“I’m sorry, Suzette. I truly am,” the bastard says. “I never wanted you to find out.”

“Both of them?” his wife hisses. “How could you do this to me?”

I step forward. This isn’t about their marriage. “Now, Judge, we have some questions for you and you’re going to answer. If you don’t, well, then these ladies are going to feel the pain.”

His lips pull into a snarl, and his eyes narrow into slits. “Fucking monsters,” he snarls.

I shake my head. “Wrong,” I hiss as I whip my knife out of its sheath. “Tell me, Judge. How did you meet Monica and Sarah? Was it from the auction?”

The women glance down at their knees, and that’s answer enough for us to know that yes, this bastard bought them.

“You bastard,” Suzette cries. “What did you do to those women?”

“Good question,” Rocco says as he moves behind Suzette. I walk behind Monica, and Stephen stands behind Sarah. “What did you do to them?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing,” he snarls. “They love me.”

Bullshit. They’ve been trained to do and say what the asshole wants. He’s a predator.

“How old are you?” I ask Monica. “Do not lie to me, Monica. I want the truth.”

“Twenty, sir. It was my birthday yesterday,” she replies, keeping her head down.

“How long have you been kept by the judge?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t know,” she whimpers, not once lifting her head.

“That’s okay,” I tell her. “I know that your son is four, the son you have with the judge. Isn’t that correct?”

She nods, not speaking verbally this time, which means she was at the very least fifteen when he fucked her. Sick bastard. God, I can’t wait to kill the cunt.