Page 39 of Ruthless Passion

“Would you really be leaving her behind?” he asks with a raised brow, and I hate that he’s right. No matter where I am, Teagan is my sister and I’m always going to be in her life. “It is a big decision, but this is your chance to make a life for yourself. Like I said the night of the gala, you can have a fresh start. No one will have to know who you are. We can get you an alias or even a new name. But think of it this way, Portia: this would be your chance to help girls to get away just as you did.”

I glare at him. He’s not playing fair. I want that, but this is a huge change in my life, and I’m not sure if Teagan is strong enough for me to move.

“Look, come with me, check it all out, and then make a decision.”

I nod. “Okay, I can do that. How long do I have to give you an answer?”

“We set the ground running in two weeks, Portia. Like I said, there’s chatter of a shipment and we’re trying to gather the intel as we speak. I want the team to focus on this as soon as possible.”

“I get it. I do. I’ll have an answer for you before you and the team get into action. Let’s go check out the headquarters and living space.”

He grins. The fucker thinks he has me, and to be honest, I think he’s right. This could be the perfect opportunity to start fresh, build something for myself, and get away from Dario. The man is constantly on my mind and I’m not sure what to do about him.

“That coffee tastes like shit,” Kelvin says as he gets to his feet. “I’ll go through a drive-thru on the way. Come on, let’s go.”

I blink but follow him out of the coffee shop. “Well, that was rude,” I say, still confused by his abruptness.

“The coffee was awful. It tasted like it was made from a cheap instant brand.” His lips curl in disgust. “They’d have more business if they had decent coffee.”

I can’t deny that. It wasn’t the best coffee I’ve had, a little on the weak side for my liking, but it wasn’t as bad as he was making out. “Okay, pampered princess, let’s go get you a fancy-schmancy coffee.”

His brow furrows and his lips tighten. “I’m not a princess. I’m just particular.”

I can’t help but laugh. He’s so serious. He needs to relax.

I can’t stop tossing and turning. My mind won’t shut off. I can’t get my brain to stop. I’m contemplating taking the job. Okay, I’m more than contemplating it. I just don’t know if it’s the right decision. I have Teagan to think about. I need to ensure that she’s okay before I make any life-altering changes. I huff as I reach for the lamp on my dresser and sit up. God, I need to make a decision and get it over and done with. I won’t be able to deal with continuous sleepless nights, pondering if I’m making the right choice.

I notice my cell has a notification and reach for it. My brow furrows when I see it’s a message from Teagan. My pulse races as I read it.

Teagan: Everything okay?

I quickly type a message back, needing to ensure she’s okay. Does she need me?

Portia: I’m good, girl. How are you? How did it go with Lena today?

Her sessions with her doctor have really helped her, and I can see she’s slowly pulling back from the darkness. I don’t want to cause her to go back to that place.

My cell starts to ring, and I smile when I see she’s video calling me.

“Hey, I thought you’d be asleep,” I say. It’s so good to see her though.

“I slept earlier. I won’t be able to sleep for a while. Elio’s in his office, working. So, tell me, what happened when you met with Kelvin earlier?”

I haven’t told her I’ve been offered a job, just that he wanted to speak with me.

“It went really well. He’s offered me a job, Tee, but I don’t know whether I should take it.”

Her brow furrows. “What? Why? A job would be great for you. Unless you’re worried about that asshole Marco finding out where you are?”

“At first, it was that, but Kelvin’s assured me that won’t happen. He’s even offered to change my name.”

She laughs softly. “That’s never going to happen,” she says adamantly. “So, what’s the problem?”

“It’s in Jefferson City,” I tell her, and watch the blank expression hit her. “It’s in Missouri.”

Her eyes widen, and her lips part. “Oh,” she whispers. “I wasn’t expecting that. Kelvin’s expanding into Missouri?”
