Page 32 of Ruthless Passion

He gives me a terse nod, and he and Jade make their way down the stairs and toward Emiliano, who is waiting out by the vehicle to drive them home.

The moment Emiliano closes the car door once Jade and Rocco are inside, the air goes static, tires squeal, and I reach for my gun. It’s instinctive. I have my weapon trained as bullets are fired from a moving car. I don’t hesitate. I fire round after round, some hitting the asshole’s tires, others hitting the car. I’m fucking hopeful that one hits the bastard in his head, but no such luck.

It’s as though our men and the Irish appear from nowhere. They just appear, their guns out and trained on the car that’s started to slow, which tells me that either his tires are popped or he’s been hit. They swarm the vehicle as my feet move toward Rocco’s car, where Emiliano’s climbing into the front. Both Rocco and Jade climb out, both looking murderous.

“The fuck?” Roc growls.

“Exactly,” I snarl. “Go home, Roc. Take your wife and go. We have the man. You can deal with him once you get the fuck out of here.” I need him to be gone so I can make sure there’s no one else after him. He could have fucking died. This shit has to fucking stop. No more. We’re not losing any more men.

“You’re leaving,” he instructs. “Get in your car, Dario, and meet us at the house.”

It’s a command, one I’m to follow. You do not disrespect the boss by ignoring an order.

I nod, knowing I’m about to take a detour. I have someone I need to check in on before I leave. “I’ll meet you there,” I assure him, and watch as both he and Jade climb back into the car and Emiliano starts to drive them away from the madness.

“Dario,” I hear her soft voice call out, and I turn, my eyes sweeping over her body to ensure she’s okay. She runs into my arms and crashes against my body. “God, I was so worried. Are you okay? You’re not hit, are you?”

“I’m fine, Portia. I do have to leave though.”

She nods. “I know, but I needed to see you, make sure you’re okay.” She releases a harsh breath, her eyes wide and her lip trembling.

I press a chaste kiss to her lips. “I’m fine, baby, but it’s time for you to leave. Do you need a ride home?”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m fine. Go, Dario, you’re needed. I understand. Honestly, I’m okay. I’ll see you tomorrow?” There’s hope in her voice, and I’m fucking glad that she wants this just as much as I do.

“Definitely. Go, baby, get out of here. Text me when you’re home.”

She flashes me a smile and moves toward the waiting car, which I recognize as Kelvin’s. Fucking bastard. What the hell is he doing bringing her home? I glare at the fucker as he gets out of the car and opens the passenger’s side door for her. He must sense me staring at him because he gives me a look, one that tells me he’s got her. She’ll be safe with him.

Soon, me and him will be having a conversation. Portia is mine, and he needs to stay the fuck away from her.

Once I know Portia’s away from this fucking mess, I go to my car. It’s time to get the fuck out of here.

I pull into Rocco’s drive just as he and Jade are exiting their vehicle. “Any word?” I ask.

Rocco shakes his head. “The men are holding him, waiting for me.”

“Uh, Boss,” Emiliano says as he climbs out of the car, his face pale and sweaty. The fuck?

“What’s wrong?” Rocco demands, his eyes narrowed as he stares at Elio’s right-hand man.

I watch as he pulls his arm away from his side, and that’s when I see it, the deep red blood stain. He’s been fucking shot.

“Shit,” I snarl as I move toward him, his legs buckling just as I reach him. I manage to keep him upright. “Call the fucking doctor,” I hiss as Rocco moves to help me get him inside.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Jade asks as she dials the doctor. “God, Emiliano, you should have told us.”

“My job was to bring you home safely. That’s what I have done.”

He’s one of the best soldiers we have. It’s why he’s Elio’s right-hand man. He’s dedicated to the Famiglia and will do whatever the hell it takes to ensure the family is safe.

“Go,” I tell Rocco once I have Emiliano settled on the bed in the spare room. “Sort out those fuckers who shot him. Make them tell you who’s behind this. It’s gone on long enough. We’ve had men dying, our men shot, and they almost took you out. Find out who the fuck is gunning for us, Roc.”

He nods, his face grim. “He’s not going to make it.”

I shake my head. “No, he won’t. I’ll be with him. He’s ours. He deserves to be with a friend.”

Roc nods. “Appreciate that, brother.”