Page 31 of Ruthless Passion

“Are you okay?” Dario asks as he comes to stand close to me.

“Fine. Just letting your brother know that I’m watching him.”

He chuckles. “I take it he took that well.”

“Is he always such a fucking ray of sunshine?”

Dario shakes his head. “He’s going to have to admit that he’s no longer in the marriage for revenge.”

My anger whips around me. “He damn well better not think about hurting her.”

“He won’t,” he vows. “He’s a lot of things, Portia, but he’s not a monster to Teagan.”

He’d better not be.

The mystery guy who spoke with Teagan makes his way over to us. “Portia, it’s lovely to meet you,” he says, and that British accent of his makes my stomach drop, God that sound is sexy “I’ve been wanting to speak with you all evening.”

I raise a brow. “You have, have you?”

Dario leans close. “Remember, I’m the only one who gets to fuck you,” he growls, his lips brushing against my ear, making me shiver. “I’ll see you soon, Portia.” He stands tall and glares at the man. “Best watch your step, Acaster,” he warns the man as he walks away.

“Those Gallo men are really something,” he says, and I get the feeling he’s not a fan of them. “I have a proposition for you, Portia. If you’ll follow me, we’ll sit down, have a drink, and discuss it.”

I raise a brow. “My mama taught me better than that.”

His laughter is much like his voice, smooth as hell. “No doubt she did.” His face sobers. “My condolences on the loss of your father,” he says, and my back instantly goes rigid. What the fuck? “I knew him. Not well, but I knew him. He was a good man.”

“How do you know who I am?”

His grin is cocky as hell. “I know everything, including that you and Dario are doing the horizontal mambo.”

I blink at his words. “Who the hell are you?”

He holds out his hand. “Kelvin Acaster. I have a job offer for you.”

I shake my head. “I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong girl.”

“No, Portia, I don’t. But do not worry, you’ll be working under an alias. No one will know where you are, unless you want them to.”

“Oh, now I’m all ears.”

He grins. “Let’s get you a drink. We’ve a lot to talk about.”



Watching Portia smile at that asshole Kelvin pisses me off. That fucker seems to be close to all the women. Why can’t he find his own?

“We’re leaving,” Rocco tells me. His words have a bite to them. He’s still pissed that we called out his shit, and he’s not willing to forget that we were disrespectful to his wife. I understand that he believes that. It was either speak to the two of them alone or have the conversation in front of the men within the Famiglia. It wouldn’t have gone down well if Elio and I had brought it up to the men.

I nod as I follow him to the door. “Do you need anything?”

He shakes his head. “Not right now. Tomorrow, we’re going to speak with Niccolò, see if he has any idea as to who the fuck has been killing our men.” We’ve lost two men, not to mention Lorenzo being shot, and the Irish lost one. Someone’s taking us out and we need to know who.

Niccolò is one of the most trusted men that Rocco has. He’s the underboss of Chicago, a man who has the respect of the entire Famiglia men. He’s also someone we use now that Davide is gone to extract information when we need it.

“Okay, let me know the time and I’ll be there.”