Page 9 of Deal with the Boss

“I can’t believe I made a stupid mistake and blew my whole chance here,” I say with a sigh, leaning back on the couch and running a frustrated hand through my hair.

“So, you said you only wanted to marry for love,” Cody says, breaking the silence that settled between us again. I realize that I must have a million things waiting for me and things to do, but I need this downtime. Talking about all of this with Cody is actually helping me to calm down. I still feel helpless and lost, but a little less alone.

And more brains always help problem solving, right?

“What is your ideal man like? I realized in the entire time I’ve known you, you’ve never really dated. Or talked about dating.”

A spark returns to Cody’s eye and I can’t help the small huff of laughter that escapes.

“Yeah, dating hasn’t exactly been my top priority the last few years. Maybe it should have been.” I shrug and Cody smirks. “My ideal man. Hmm… well, I guess I want someone who I'm attracted to. Strong and tall and all of that.”

“Of course, being hot is a given.” Cody bumps my shoulder.

“But I also want someone who’s driven and determined. I want to be with someone who isn’t afraid to reach for the stars, as cheesy as that sounds. Someone who is confident and smart, but also has a soft side that he leaves only for me to see in private.” I can’t stop the smile that stretches across my face as a picture of my perfect man becomes clearer in my head.

“All great things. Go on,” Cody urges.

I take a few seconds to think a little more. The most obvious quality hits me over the head.

“This should be the standard, and not the exception, but if he happens not to be Filipino, he needs to accept my culture and my upbringing. He needs to be interested in learning more. I need someone who is respectful and open-minded to my community and way of life back home. Just like I would be respectful and open-minded about his culture.”

Cody laughs lightly.

“That’s a really great list, Iz. I hope he’s out there –”

The ringer on my phone blasts through the room. I grab it without thinking and see Leo’s name, immediately answering.

“Isa. I’m still waiting on the paperwork from Cody for the premiere. It’s extremely time-sensitive.” Leo’s authoritative voice sends chills up my spine. Cody half-flinches hearing Leo over the phone, too.

“I’m on my way.” My response is cut-off as Leo hangs up. He's completely no-nonsense today. I shoot Cody an apologetic look as I sprint out of the office toward the elevators.

It takesforeverfor the elevator to move from the ground floor and each passing second feels like a year for making Leo Camden wait for his precious documents. I decide to take the stairs, two at a time, gulping in oxygen as I burst through the doors on the top floor.

I pass the elevator as it dings its arrival and shoot it a dirty look.

I’m still breathing heavily when I walk in, as smoothly as I possibly can, into Leo’s office and drop the folder on his desk. Leo’s standing at the massive window, the California sunlight making him radiate. Since I started working here, I’ve had the misfortune of not being able to ignore how gorgeous Leo is. It’s clear that even though he spends a lot of time in the office, he also spends time in the gym. The way his suit jacket stretches across his broad shoulders is enough to make a girl swoon. But I stop it mid-way.

“Sorry for the delay, Leo. I have the documents here.” Since he’s not watching, I take an extra second to make sure the folder is perfectly straight on his desk.

Leo adjusts his tie and turns to look at me. He’s backlit from the dazzling sun, but it’s always startling just how handsome he is, especially those green eyes. The sun brings out flecks of gold.

“Well, this took a while,” he says, deadpan, in a low voice. I force myself to stop staring at him and nod in apology. “Wait while I sign these and I’ll give them back to you. Then you need to get the private jet scheduled and work on the itinerary for me. There are a few meetings I would like to schedule while we’re in Australia.”

I purse my lips at the thought of leaving the country again while I’m facing deportation, but I school my face so Leo doesn’t catch on to the fact that I’m hiding something from him.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t havesuchan observant boss. I’m not ready to let him know about what’s going on just yet. I will be soon. I mean, I’ll be forced to tell him soon.

“Of course, Leo. I’ll get that done. I also want to let you know that Gina Cloissone’s people have agreed to the reshoots you ordered.” There, that all sounds like a normal, dedicated-to-her-job Isa. Nothing to see here. Certainly no problems.

Leo grunts in response as he focuses on the papers to sign. I fight the urge to tap my toe while I wait for him.

“And we have some calls that have come in from a few independent studios asking Camden to distribute their new films.” Leo barely acknowledges I even spoke. His indifference right now is really rubbing me the wrong way, even though this is often the dynamic between us.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me today and why my patience is so short.

Okay, that’s a complete lie. Obviously, I know what’s wrong with me. But now isnotthe time to let my exasperation out at work. The last thing I need is to get fired right before I’m deported.

I take a couple of deep breaths and suddenly remember that I really do have an urgent message for Leo. And this just might get his attention.