Page 7 of Deal with the Boss

Tears sting the back of my eyes and a large, spiky ball of emotion is lodged in my throat.

“I’m really sorry, Isa,” Harold says quietly. “I wish I had better news.”

I nod my head, even though Harold can’t see me, but I can’t choke any sounds out. Everything is wrapped in cotton. The typically chaotic hustle of the studio dies into the background. The hum of the engines carrying various props and equipment toward the studios might as well come from a different planet. People laughing, rehearsing lines, talking about work are all just an inaudible blur.

Is this really it? Everything I worked for, just down the drain? Just like that? I find a place to sit in the shadows and kick off my heels. Shit.

“Is thereanythingelse I can do to stay here legally?” I beg, even though I know that Harold would have told me if there was something. It’s a last resort plea and I’m willing to exhaust every option I have. I can’t leave… I just can’t. There’s so much riding on this, and not just my little sister’s college tuition. I have my entire family depending on me to help them and losing this job will make that nearly impossible.

I want to give them a comfortable life, where they no longer have to resort to going into debt and stopping school because of financial issues. I just… I have to stay.

Harold sighs on the other end of the line, and I can hear from that one note that there really is nothing.

“Unfortunately, you won’t be allowed to apply for a visa until a year from now.” He launches into a whole speech about how I can prepare when I’m back in the Philippines and what I can do, but my brain goes blank, not hearing a word he says.

The walk back to the main building is excruciating after that phone call, knowing that I’m all out of options, and I have to disclose my visa status to my boss. For one naïve second, I thought maybe he could help me. But Leo is CEO of a film studio. Sure, he has connections, but even I’m not dumb enough to believe he holds any bearing toward the decision of the U.S. government. Not for an administrative assistant.

But still… at this point, it can’t hurt to try. I'm totally out of options. Maybe if I tell him? After all, he’s going to find out pretty soon, anyway.

I take a deep sigh, hating this feeling of desperation coursing through my body. But like I said, I’m willing to do anything to keep this job.

Somehow, I wander to Cody’s office, remembering he had some papers that Leo needs to sign for the upcoming premiere in Australia.

The sounds of old-school Madonna quietly float through the floor of cubicles and I follow the sound. Compared to the rest of the building, which is full of muted grays and blues and typical fluorescent lighting, Cody’s space is more colorful and comfortable. One wall is full of pictures of him with celebrities and there are plants everywhere. I love Cody’s office.

“Isa!” Cody smiles when I tap on his door and I can’t help but smile back. Cody’s enthusiasm is infectious. “I meant to come tell you today that I made Jared watch that show you were telling me about. Girl, it was pure gold. I don’t know how you hung on to that secret so long.”

The mention of secrets has my heart twisting in my chest.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I say quietly, trying to match his excitement and failing miserably.

“That’s an understatement. Jared works with way too many straight white women and all they recommend are murder porn shows, so thank you for the save.”

I chuckle, because I’ve met some of Cody’s boyfriend’s coworkers at the law firm where he works and Cody’s assessment is spot on.

“Anyway, what can I do for you today?”

I clear my throat, trying to loosen the emotion settling there. I’ll miss Cody.

“I’m just here to pick up the documents needing…”

“Oh yeah, of course. Yes, we need signatures from Leo on these papers. Super old school, I know, but they’ll keep things rolling for the premiere in Sydney.” He hands me a surprisingly thick folder of papers and I flip through them absentmindedly.

I feel the weight of Cody’s stare on me, even if I definitely choose not to look at him.

“Okay, Isa. I let it go the other day, but clearly something is wrong.” Cody walked past me to close his door. “What is it?”

Cody’s voice is careful, not pushing me to say anything, necessarily, but full of concern.

“Really, you look like you’re about to burst into tears. And you've looked like this for the last couple of days. You can't fool me, girlfriend. Spill it." Cody dips down to try to catch my gaze.

I take a deep, shaky breath. I can’t cover it up anymore. According to Harold, there are no other options, so I might as well let the cat out of the bag. It's squirming so much already.

“Thereissomething wrong.” My voice is flat and Cody gently grabs my arm, tugging me to the couch in his office. He looks at me and I feel his love and concern. I'm the center of his world right at this moment. OK, let's rip off the band-aid. “I’m getting deported,” I say as we sit. I tell Cody the entire story and with every word that comes out of my mouth, the sadness deepens in my heart and reflects on his face.

I never had time to make any friends here in Los Angeles, so really, Cody is my best friend. And I suddenly feel guilty for letting days go by without telling him any of this.

“So I have about two months before I have to… leave.” The last word is strangled with emotion. The weight of it triples on my shoulders now that I’ve said it out loud, now that I’ve told another person. It’s like saying it just made it real. I almost start to cry, but I know that’s a waste of time and my eyes are burning from too many tears already, so I stare up at the lights and stop the moisture.