Page 42 of Deal with the Boss

“Yeah, well, I’ll spare you the entire story. All you really need to know is that she never really supported my want to take over my father’s spot after he died, and she doesn’t think what my father built here is all that important,” Leo summarizes in a flash, obviously not wanting to talk about this, but unfortunately, I need to know due to our interview tomorrow.

I rub his hand reassuringly with my thumb. “Okay,” I simply tell him, not wanting to push any more out of him if he’s not ready.

“Okay, let’s just move onto the next few questions,” Leo dismisses with a somber tone, clearing his throat as his sad eyes graze over the binder.

And we spend another hour in that meeting room, throwing questions back and forth to each other about the most mundane aspects of our lives. Even if they are admittedly arbitrary information that Dolores would most likely not care about, it’s still really fun to just spend some alone time with him. The entire office floor is closed down. Everyone else went home a couple of hours ago, but Leo and I decided to stay. Right now, it’s literally just me and Leo, and our laughter and voices echo all throughout as we get to know the most insignificant things about each other.

We don’t even realize it, but it’s already midnight. “Oh, wow, where did the time go?” I ask, panicked. “Our interview’s at noon tomorrow. We should get some rest.”

Leo doesn’t get up, however, he just stares at the table in front of us, seemingly lost in thought. I carefully grab the binder off the table, and it catches his attention, his forest-like eyes slightly dimmer than usual. “You know, you can always just back out. We don’t have to do this,” he tells me, and I have never been more confused. “I know we worked hard to get to where we are, but you don’t have to do this with me. I can always just bid for ownership for the film studio and fight Peyton in court, and you can wait out the year until you can reapply, and I will help you stay on your feet until then.”

“What are you saying?” I question, starting to get emotional at this bombshell he’s just dropping on me.

“I’m saying you don’t need to put yourself at risk for this. You have a family who needs you, and I’m willing to…”

“Stop,” I beg, dropping the binder on the table and taking both of his hands into mine, gripping them tight. “Didn’t we have a deal? Didn’t you ask me to marry you?” I ask him, my voice quivering, and I don’t even really know why. Leo’s basically giving me an out. All my problems will be solved if I accept his offer, and there's no risk. But I just can’t do that. I can’t bring myself to do that.

Leo removes one of his hands to brush my hair out my face, smiling when he sees my eyes. “I care about you enough to not put you in danger, Isa,” he says as softly as he can, and it both melts my heart and breaks it at the same time. “You’remy one, like the words you taught me that night at the bar. You’re my one.”

A tear falls down my cheek, and my mind goes blank in a haze. Before I can let my mind process anything, I find my lips already against his. He lets out a surprised sound, but eventually lets go and kisses me back just as roughly. Our mouths move in sync, like they belonged to each other all this time, but it took us this long to figure it out. Leo’s strong hands are already running up my back as I straddle him on the chair. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would start doing something so sinful in my boss’s own company building.

It’s exhilarating to think about the fact that every time I pass by this meeting room, I will remember this night with Leo. The night where he effortlessly carries me and puts me on the meeting room table while his lips ravenously crash against mine. The night where I allow him to take the lead as his hands slowly unbutton my blazer and blouse. The night where my wandering hands find a way to remove his belt and take his shirt off, revealing his sculpted body that I always find myself thirsting over. The night where he pulls away from my mouth with the sexiest smirk I’ve ever seen as he leaves a trail of kisses down my exposed torso, teasing my breasts in the process as sinful sounds fill the room.

The night where Leo pleases me in my sensitive spots with his mouth and tongue, sending me into a bliss I have always yearned for day and night ever since I first had a taste of it. The way he skillfully pleasures me is marked within my body, and it will always ache for it until the end of time. My back arches as he relentlessly tastes every part of me, not letting my voice be muffled anymore as I almost reach my climax. That is, until he coyly pulls away. I whimper, but the look on his face tells me that he has something much better planned, and that’s when he takes off his pants, revealing the hardness that brings me to the edge of the world every single time.

I don’t even need to say anything anymore — the whimpers escaping from my swollen lips are enough to tell him how much I need him, and Leo complies. He places a soft and tender kiss on my lips and his eyes hold mine steady. Our eyes fill each other's soul and we rest there, unblinkingly, as I feel him slowly fill me up. Only when he is fully inside, I sigh and close my eyes, my forehead hitting his chin. Both of us succumbing to the pleasures our bodies are giving each other.

The meeting room is filled with the lustful sounds of our bodies meeting over and over, harder and harder, faster and faster. I moan out his name endlessly, as if telling him that there’s no one else in this world that can make me feel as good as he does. His kisses tell me the same thing as he continually marks my chest, telling me that I belong to him and him alone. His thrusts become more rapid, hitting my perfect spot every single time as his back becomes lightly misted with his exertion. Too many facets of pleasure are coursing through my body, leaving my mouth agape in intense bliss as Leo chases his peak as well.

And with a jerking pace, and then a final thrust, we both achieve ecstasy as we collapse into each other’s sweaty bodies. My arms slowly find their way across his toned back, pulling him closer.

It’s at this moment that I tell him through my hug that I don’t want to let him go — that I want what we initially planned to happen. That I want him to marry me, and not just for our personal selfish reasons. I want him to marry me because…

I am in love with him.

Chapter 24


Thelightabovemeis harsh and unforgiving, telling me that there’s no place for me to hide in here. One of Dolores Langley’s assistants guided me into this room where there’s just a single square table with two chairs opposite each other. Another assistant led Isa to another room, presumably an exact copy of the one I’m in. Dolores hasn’t met with either of us yet, but she did say previously that this interview was done separately. Honestly, I just feel like I’m in an interrogation room. You know, the ones you see in the police movies. It’s making me feel like I’ve committed a crime.

Well, Dolores Langley definitely thinks that I’ve committed a crime, which is why this entire thing is happening. I take a breath, however, as to not let myself get plagued with overthinking. I prepared for this, and while I initially did conceive this plan as a means to get Isa and I what we needed, it eventually did bloom into something else. After last night, I’ve never felt so close and connected to anyone before, and it showed when we made love. It really felt intimate and passionate, and it’s scaring me how much it’s tugging on my heartstrings, but I know this is why I think it turned into something else. It turned into —

“Alright, we've got the billionaire in the room. Let’s see what he’s got,” Dolores suddenly barges into the room, referring to me as if I wasn’t there. She’s holding a folder and a pen as she walks down and opens it in front of her, making sure I’m not seeing anything she’s about to ask.

“Good afternoon to you too, Ms. Langley,” I say politely, while at the same time reminding her that she’s being rude. My mother taught me that when I was a kid. My mother has driven me around the bend in recent years, but I guess I haven’t completely discarded all of her life lessons.

Dolores chuckles, shaking her head as she writes something down in the folder. “Why don’t we cut right to the chase, then? I’m sure you must be a busy man,” she proposes, and I’m not really in a position to reject any method she wants to use to do this interview. “I’m here to assess whether or not your relationship with Ms. Isa Maria is legitimate or not, and you’re gonna have to forgive me for being skeptical sincebothof you have something to gain from this marriage, assuming it’s going to happen.”

I shrug, knowing I cannot deny these allegations she’s making when she’s seen both of our paperwork. Isa’s rejected visa extension application and my conditional ownership of the most lucrative film studio in Hollywood are both red flags already. “I don’t think I’ve ever denied those gains, have I?”

“But you’ve also never admitted to them. I had to have a tip sent in to be knowledgeable about the conditions in your father’s will.” It’s quite obvious that Dolores’s trying to catch me slipping up, but again, I’ve prepared for this. Failing to plan is planning to fail, after all. That’s a life lesson from my father.

“I’m sure you and my cousin Peyton had a grand time discussing the finer details of my father’s condition for me to be married on or before the age of thirty-six,” I start, immediately catching Dolores off guard. I guess she wasn’t aware that it’s easy to read through Peyton’s underhanded tactics. “I think you’re also forgetting that there’s nothing stated in the will about me not being able to reacquire ownership by bidding against my cousin. With my resources and almost twenty years of experience, I’m positive that the court, my father’s estate, and the board will find me in favor of retaining ownership even if I fail to marry before the required age. The profits and the quality of films coming out of the studio speak for themselves,” I explain, being direct to the point and firm with my tone. Thank you, Jordan, for making me realize my initial oversight.

Dolores seems shocked now, but she remains vigilant. “While that may be, that would still risk the possibility of losing ownership of Camden Studios, would it not? So, there’s still a significant risk reduction for this marriage you want to happen with Ms. Isa Maria,” she rebuts, and I’ll admit it’s a good point, but this is where the most important life lesson I’ve learned so far will come into play.

“Then if what it takes to convince you I’m marrying Isa out of pure intentions, is for me to completely let go of the biggest film studio in Hollywood, then so be it,” I declare boldly, and this time, I actually leave her speechless.