Page 36 of Deal with the Boss

Leo’s body is a couple of inches away from mine, and he taunts me even more by leaning his mouth to whisper in my ear.

“Wouldn’t you say so?” His voice is gravelly and deep.

A breath escapes my lips as I get a whiff of his cologne and sweat, mixed with the scent of saltwater. My brain goes into overdrive, and I know there’s no stopping me now.

“You better stop teasing me and kiss me right now,” I say, feeling every single cell in my body light up with the intense desire to have Leo right here, right now. Thankfully, we’re in a secluded part of the island, and the sun setting gives us a bit more cover even though we’re out in open water.

“Oh, demanding all of a sudden,” Leo says with a dark chuckle. He takes my hand, and I almost moan as our skin finally touches. He pulls me into a deeper part of the water, completely submerging us from the shoulders down. “I think you need a reminder that I’m the one giving orders here. After all, I am your boss, right?” He twists my arms around his broad shoulders. His breath is right against my lips, and I’m trying so hard not to give into the pulsing desire that’s threatening to take over my body, but I can feel myself slipping through the cracks, especially as he pulls my body against his defined and hard torso. But I fight back. I won’t give in even more after I’ve already slipped.

“Sorry. I’m on vacation,” I practically pant, licking my lips in anticipation of what’s coming next as Leo lets out another chuckle. We may be bantering, but I’ve never felt so heated with him. This is the first time we’ve acted like this without any alcohol in our system, after all, and it’s just somuch.

“Ah, yes. I heard about that. Boracay Island with your… fiancé, is it?” Leo says, his handsome smile making my brain feel fuzzy.

I tilt my head to the side, pretending to think about it. “Mmm. I don’t really know. He never really bought me a ring,” I remind him, trying to play along.

Leo groans softly as he runs a hand through my hair, pushing it out of the side of my face. “What a bad fiancé,” he jokes, as his face inches closer and closer to mine.

“The absolute worst. He’s got me about to commit marriage fraud, and I don't even have a rock on my finger,” I respond, putting my left hand above the water. “Look at that. Naked,” I add, and Leo bites his lip, making my head feel a lot lighter. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.

Leo takes my hand into his, giving it a light kiss, and I’ve never been more jealous of my body part experiencing his lips rather than my own. “Didn’t know you were so…demanding,” his voice morphs into something darker, something more carnal. It’s throwing me in for a loop, and only one thing can untangle this mess in my head.

“Well, we are in the process of getting to know each other,” I remind him, “You know, for the sake of the marriage.” I’m surprising myself with my boldness, but I’m not really in the correct mindset to care about all the little details.

“Yeah? And how do you feel about… getting to know each other morephysically?” Leo finally throws out, and I swear I’m about to combust in the calm and cooling waters of the ocean.

I still manage to play along, pretending to think about it.

“I liked our first practice session. But I might need more convincing of what there is on offer…”

“I guess it’s the least I can do after being such a horrible fiancé to you.”

“Then shut up already and kiss me.”

With that, Leo’s lips crash aggressively into mine, and there are no longer words to be said. We move together in harmony, extremely impassioned and heated from the setting sun and the warmth of our bodies pressing up against each other. His firm hands find their way to my ass, eliciting a moan from my busy mouth as he grasps the flesh hard. I can feel his hardness through our swimsuits and it turns me on even more. It sends the right signals to my body, making me crave more of him. I don’t even care that we’re out in the open water. There’s no one nearby, and nature itself is cooperating by slowly dimming the sky.

And there’s just no freakin’ way either of us can wait until the hotel room to finish this. I can feel it against my thigh, how Leo’s ready to take me here and now. Slowly and carefully, I pull down his board shorts, revealing his hardness under the water. It’s camouflaged by the waves gently lapping around us, but I can still feel the velvety skin stretched across brutal hardness.

“So impatient,” Leo comments with a slight moan before marking my neck with his mouth. The way those sweet sounds fill my ears already makes me start to see white, and thankfully, it’s not long after that when his fingers move my bikini bottom to the side and slide against the seam of my body setting off white heat through my blood.

Leo’s name escapes on a moan from my mouth, and he takes it as an opportunity to invade it with his soft, warm tongue, making me melt into his kiss more. His fingers work skillfully as they slip further inside, and I feel my body starting to let go into the weightless sensation of being in the water. It’s all too much and too little at the same time, and it’s sending me into overdrive.

It doesn’t help when Leo notches himself against me. Nothing else matters now. All I want is for him to take me as the sun slowly sets in the background. It’s romantic and heated at the same time, and I want it to happennow.

“Leo,” I choke as my breaths become ragged in anticipation. “I’m ready. I need you,” I groan, pulling him closer to me, but not close enough. It doesn’t feel close enough, and I’m starting to feel desperate.

He locks our mouths together once more, trying to calm me down. Gently, I feel him sink deep inside of me and my eyes roll back into my head while his lips continue to overwhelm me with attention. Again, it’s too much and too little at the same time. It just feels so effortless as I float weightlessly on the water with him supporting me, but the sensations he’s sending throughout my entire body is enough to make me feel out of this world. And I’m reminded of these sensations every single time he moves in and out of me. The water around us makes a small splashing sound as Leo’s thrusts start to become more rapid and precise, hitting all the right spots every single time.

“So fuckinghot,” Leo whispers into my ear before licking it, giving me another form of pleasure. I’m not so sure my body can take so much more. He’s right, it’s freakin’ blazing out here, and I want more of it. I want more of the heat as the sun is about to fully set, making the entire body of water a sultry shade of pink and orange. Everything’s falling into place, and I’m letting myself go and enjoying it.

“Faster,” I beg, and it doesn’t even take a second for Leo’s strong arms to fully carry me by holding me at my lower back. He arches us a little bit, but not enough for the water to splash directly into my face. When he gets comfortable enough, he then begins to thrust into me into an even more animalistic pace.

I cry out his name, not caring if anyone hears it. He covers up my sounds with his mouth, but a lot of them still escape as we both chase our highs at his unbelievable pace.

The water around us is now noticeably shaking, but I’m too stimulated to think about anything else except how Leo is sending me to ecstasy. It doesn’t take too long with his skillful thrusts that we’re both already approaching our edges.

I moan into his mouth, signaling to him that I’m almost there. I can tell he is too, by the way his movement has become more exact but sloppier. The waves crash over us as we are both pushed over our peaks, and the sun fully sets. We settle and relax into the water with our lips still moving against each other. Under the water, he gently pulls out of me and fixes my swimsuit before he fixes his.

We walk, then crawl – it's the only energy I have left – to the shore of the beach. We lay there, still lightly kissing and caressing. Pulling away, I’m greeted with the sight of his green eyes and his handsome face covered in dried saltwater with a light dusting of sand. Leo’s beautiful, and I melt every time he looks at me like this.