Page 100 of Shattered Diamonds

“Because I demanded it.”

“Wrong. It was because he knew you were unstable. He knew you were so distraught that there was a chance you would shoot me, or possibly her if you saw her again. He knew, Haven. Tell me why he did it?”

“Would it matter?”

“Would what matter?”

“If I shot her instead of you. Would that matter to you?”

“You wouldn’t have shot her. You were angry with me.”

“That’s the second question you refuse to answer, Demetri.”

“Refusal is harsh. I would say I’m skirting around it to save you from the answer hurting you more.”

“Good excuse,” I spit in frustration, shifting to move off his lap.

He jerks me back down. “Which one do you want first, the why of why I went along with the arranged marriage order or the answer to whether or not I would be mad that you potentially killed the mother of my child?” He pushes me back down his shaft refilling me with the few inches I separated between us.

“Ah,” I huff, looking away, only to turn back when he starts to answer.

“Because the truth is”—he lifts my chin to meet his gaze instead of me staring at his chest while ingesting his words— “I have no attachment to her unless she is carrying my child.”

“That’s callus.”

“Again, that’s life.”

“She is in love with you. I heard you and her. You didn’t deny how you felt about her.”

“About our arrangement. Which is over. I have taken a strong liking to a strawberry blonde with crazy curly hair who is riding my cock and challenging me at the moment.”

“A liking?” I twist my head and eyeball him with irritation.

He leans in with a smirk to kiss me, but I jerk back, pulling away as far as I can with him still inside me. His hand whips out with lightning speed and slices through my hair, jerking me back to him and crushing his lips to mine. When he ends the passionate kiss he pulls back, and growls, “As for the marriage, I was asked by the Boss of our family to further the alliance between two families. One family needed to right a wrong, a business transaction that should have never been made in the first place. While the other paid back part of a vendetta while they capitalized on a new fruitful venture.”

“I’m the transaction,” I sadly whisper knowing it’s the truth.

“You’re my wife. Not a transaction.”

“He’s in love with me,” I breathe out with an intense weight to my confession as Demetri pushes me down on him fully.

“He can’t have you.” His glare is for Finn. The heat swirling in his eyes is for me. “Now, shift your feet and place them flat on the bottom of the tub, and lean back a bit.”

“Sir,” I cry out at the new sensation. I didn’t think he could get in any further, but the position has him buried deep inside me. He’s submerged to the hilt, almost to the point of pain, but then I feel my insides constrict, pulsate, and slicken around him. It sends chills up my spine while sitting in a warm bath.

“You love my cock. Don’t you, baby.” Not a question. A statement. He knows I do.

“I know no other.”

“And you never fucking will,” he growls, pushing me down on him as he thrusts up. “Now, ride me while I tell you the truth about your bodyguard.”

“He’s in love with me,” I repeat on a whisper as my body shudders over his.

“That’s right. He is. Understandably so. He wants what is mine. And you, my beautiful wife, belong to who?”

“You, sir.” I feel myself becoming malleable as he starts to move with intention, stroking my insides with slow deep thrusts. “Sir?” I mutter, getting ready to ask one last question that has been bothering me. “Who is looking for me? I heard what that old man you all referred to as Ricci said. And Leo’s father said someone trashed his club looking for me. Why? Who is he?”

His body stills while holding my gaze. “I won’t let him hurt you.” His voice hard, with promised protection behind it.