Page 98 of Shattered Diamonds

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine.”

“All in a day’s work.”

“Can I do something for you?” I reach forward and cup him gently.

“Is this you challenging me, or yourself?”

“I thought I could unwind my husband, that is if you haven’t changed your mind about us. That meeting was an hour long of agony for me. Not many are happy with me being your wife. I thought maybe things may have changed.”

He takes an unsettling deep breath and yanks me against his body. The air wooshes from my lungs as I stare up into his deep dual colored eyes with uncertainty. “Did I not make myself clear about how I feel about you?”

“You said a lot of things. But after tonight, with everything that has happened with the men, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t want to back out.”

“So, you tempt me with your body?” His thumb runs over my bottom lip.

“Did it work?” I hold back my grin.

“Do you feel how hard my cock is against your stomach?”

“I do.”

“Good. Now get in bed and go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“I would rather do something for you. Will you allow me to do it, sir?”

“A warning. If you are suggesting that you want to suck my cock, it will be hard and fast.”

“It’s not.” I lean up and give him a chaste kiss.

“What do you have in mind?”



It takes a little doing,but I manage to get Demetri into his soaking tub which I can bet he has never used. I knew he couldn’t shower because of his fresh bandage so I thought the hot water from a bath would relax him and maybe get rid of some of his stress. I lean back against him and play with the sponge I found inside the vanity. Our position in the tub is his doing. I was going to sit across from him, but he demanded I sit between his legs. When I settled myself down, he pulled me back against his chest.

We’re silent for a time before the questions bouncing around in my head start to overwhelm my thoughts. I play with the sponge, dipping it in the water and then listening to the drips fall as I squeeze it out. It’s a repeated action while I get the courage up to ask him the questions burning inside me.

“Tell me about the sheets.”

I watch his chest expand and release with a heavy breath.

“Why did that old man want them? You were so angry. Do you really have sheets with my blood on them?”

“Because he’s a twisted fuck.”

“That can’t be the only reason. Tell me.” I stare at the water falling from the sponge while I wait.

“In the old country when a bride is promised to a made man, she is to be a virgin, and her virgin blood is to be spilled onto the sheets at consummation. It’s proof. Proof that she now fully belongs to the man she was given to, her husband.”

“That sounds barbaric.”

“It’s life.”

“Was my blood on your sheets?”