Page 72 of Shattered Diamonds

“He was here?”

“Yeah, man.” The nervous sweat pours off him. “He was on the opposite side of the room with an older guy.”

I look to Luca. He, too, realizes that if he is telling the truth, that means the guy was behind Haven and me. I look at Antonio and then to our boss. He’s cool, calm, and collected while still choking out Richie’s buddy. “Go.”

I hold my spot for only a moment, questioning if I should leave my boss and the men I consider my brothers. Then I turn and walk out the door, hitting the hallway at a pace just under a jog.

We were in danger.

I am always in danger, but she was as well. I didn’t see it coming and that doesn’t sit well with me. I see everything. I’m prepared for it all. That thought weighs heavily on me as I hit the main area and search for her. I glance over at the ring. Ghost’s fight is just ending. Haven isn’t where I told her to be. I scan the area, a feeling I am not familiar with radiates in my chest. I ignore it and look for the security guy I ordered to watch over her. I find him standing on the opposite side of the ring, Haven not by his side. I head in his direction and when I get there, I interrupt his discussion with an attractive blonde.

“Where’s Haven?”

“She’s in your office.”

“Then why are you over here and not by the door guarding her like I told you to?”

“She’s in your office.” He says it as if it’s no big deal.

“You’re fired.”

“Boss?” His full attention is now on me and not the woman he’s been flirting with.

“I told you to watch over my fiancée while I handled business. You didn’t. I’d advise you to leave the premises immediately before your life ends here.” The woman gasps and scurries away.

I head for the office, pushing people out of the way as they are lining up to collect their winnings. I fling the door open, anger behind my strength, and halt to a complete stop when I don’t see Haven but Tegan sitting on my couch.

“What are you doing in here? My office, no less.”

“What you did was wrong.”

“What I did was put you in your place.”

“It was cruel, Demetri. We’ve been seeing each other for a long time. For it to end with no explanation… Then you show up with someone else and throw it in my face. It’s wrong.”

“You knew we were not exclusive.”

“But I was.”

“And that is your fault for assuming there was anything more.”

“Who is this girl? Where did she come from?”

“That is none of your concern.”

“I think it is.”

“Tegan, you’re pushing me.”

“Good. You like to be pushed and I like to be punished, remember?” She steps up to me with a sultriness in her eyes I have seen many times before. She places her hands on my chest and instead of removing them, I stand there, my rejection more powerful by my refusal to move from her touch.

My arms hang at my sides as I say, “Leave. Now.”

Just as she is dropping her arms, Mr. Heart and the rest of the guys walk into the office. The proximity of her being so close should make them raise their brows but the only one that does is my boss.

As Luca is closing the door, blocking any spectators from the show, Mr. Heart looks at Tegan. “Leave, young lady. Now.”

She hurries past him but not without looking back at me. Luca opens the door as she gets closer. The noise from the crowd outside filters through. Once she crosses the threshold, Luca closes the door on her.