Page 57 of Shattered Diamonds

“What about her?”

“Would it bother you if I hurt her?”

“You would never. You’re too innocent.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“She is the past. You have become my future.”

The song changes toEdge of the Darkand I change my line of questioning.“Why haven’t you kissed me?” I blurt, breathing just inches away from his mouth as Emmit Fenn sings to us about darkness. The tension building between us as we verbally spar is arousing.

“This succulent mouth of yours has never been kissed before has it, pup?”

I stay quiet, my glare still locked on his in defiance when a flashback hits me. My back hitting my apartment door. Finn’s lips searching mine with unbridled passion before he pulled away. I don’t give Demetri an answer. He already has a problem with Finn. Telling him that it was Finn who gave me my first kiss will only cause bloodshed.

I hold his gaze and wait with a look on my face that demands an answer.

The pad of Demetri’s thumb rubs across my lips. “Because when I do, there is no going back.”

“Back to what?” I breathe again, grinding down on him.

“Back to a time when there wasn’t a you.”

“Do you regret being introduced to me?”

“I’ve never regretted one thing in my life, Haven. Good or bad. I do what needs to be done.” His gaze follows the movement of his thumb as he runs it over my jawline. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you.” The blush creeps across my skin at his compliment. “The dress is growing on me.”

“It’s sexy.”

“It’s definitely sexy. Thank you, by the way. I do appreciate the gesture.” I push my bottom into him.

“No. I’m speaking of the blush illuminating your skin. It’s a damn turn on.” He lifts his hips, revealing what I have done to his body.

“Never been with a woman who blushes?”

“No. I don’t fuck timid women.”

“We’re not fucking, Mr. Carbone. And I am not timid.”

“We will be. And you most certainly are, but with you, it’s not displeasing.”

“It’s called morals.” I lean down next to his ear and whisper, “I have them.”

“I informed you to leave them at the door.”

“I guess I have to since you brought me to a sex club.”

“I brought you to the innocent part of an exclusive club I pay high dollar for.”

“There’s more?” I snap my head to the left and then to the right, looking around.

“There’s another floor.” He grins.


“Yes, Haven?” He slides his hands up my thighs until his thumbs reach the bare, soft skin of my lips he insisted I have when he removed my panties back at the house. “What do you want?”