I cling to him, my arms wrapped around his neck. My limp body is vulnerable and at his mercy, but I have faith in him that he will take care of me. He holds me steady as I slide into the booth. Once I’m settled, he slides in from the other side. He grabs his drink and swallows it in one go. I finish what’s left of my wine. Seconds later, Tegan presents two fresh drinks in front of us with a sultry smile directed at Demetri.
I push my wine back to her. “I’d like a whiskey, please. Jameson, neat.”
She looks to Demetri, seeking permission, waiting until he gives it.
“Give her whatever she wants. And, Tegan. Do not question her again.”
“Yes, sir.” She turns away to get my drink, the smile now gone.
I glance over at Demetri. A small smile pulls at my lips when he reaches for me and pulls me into his side.
A man approaches our table. He greets Demetri in a familiar way. Sitting here, observing the way the guy interacts with Demetri, is intoxicating. The guy is of importance, there is no denying it. I could tell by the way Demetri greeted him that he respects him.
It’s the power for me.
Demetri exudes power just sitting here in a relaxed position while conversing with the man. It comes so naturally to him, it’s almost overpowering. He is confident in a way I have seen no other man achieve, not even my brother or my father. It’s sexy. So damn sexy. A major turn on. I’m attracted to it. Drawn to it. It makes me realize as blunt as Demetri has been with me, he’s actually been… dare I say… more lenient in his tone.
The two men exchange a few more words before a scantily clad woman walks up and wraps herself around the man’s arm. She has doe eyes for him until she turns her attention our way. She gives me a friendly smile, but her smile turns sultry when she takes in Demetri.
She runs her tongue over her bottom lip. “Are we participating in group activities tonight, baby?” she purrs, asking the guy she is wrapped around, but her sights are still set on Demetri.
I glance at Demetri to see if he looks interested. He doesn’t. He looks irritated.
“Haven, this is Leo Bonetti. Leo this is Haven McKittrick.” He totally disregards the female currently salivating on Leo’s shoulder.
“So, this is the infamous Haven McKittrick.” The guy gives me a genuine smile.
“What’s so infamous about her?” The woman hanging on Leo’s arm asks, her eyes bouncing back and forth between Demetri and me.
I look to Demetri to see what he will say.
“I would like to know myself.” Demetri strokes his beard watching Leo, waiting for an answer. When it doesn’t come, he orders, “Leo, heel your lap dog before I do it.”
“Anyone that can keep Demetri’s attention deserves the title.” He nods with a smile then leans over and whispers something to his female companion.
Demetri’s talked about me?
He doesn’t talk about the women he spends his time with per his own words. Leo’s comment surprises me, but I can’t say it doesn’t make me happy to hear.
“You bring what I need?” Demetri’s sharp tone questions.
“It’s in the office.”
Leo says his goodbyes immediately after. The girl with him watches Demetri over her shoulder as they walk into another room.
“It appears you have an admirer,” I comment, watching them disappear.
“I have a lot.”
I lean forward and grab the wine Tegan left behind. That green monster is rearing its ugly head once again. Demetri drops his arm behind me and rests his hand on my hip. I glance around the room, sipping my wine.Swayby So Below starts to play. I hum along with the tune.
“This isn’t just your run of the mill club, huh?” I state the obvious.
“Why did you bring me here?”
“Do you want to leave?”