Page 44 of Shattered Diamonds

“I’ll make sure he complies with our arrangement.” He continues his conversation as he walks to the other side of the kitchen and opens a drawer. He grabs a fork and slides it across to me, nodding once again at the food. “Let me handle this situation first, then I’ll pick you up. Tell Izzy I said hi. Yeah, yeah. Fuck you, too. Later.” He turns to me as he slides his phone into his pocket.

“Did I just becomethe situation?” I ask, realizing I may be the morning after burden. “No need to handle me, Demetri. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

He watches me for a moment before he orders me to eat once again.

“Thank you for thinking of me but I’m not really a breakfast person. Besides, I need to get going, anyway.” My stomach now turning at the fact that I believe I’m the situation he needs to take care of. No girl ever wants to be the person someone can’t wait to get rid of the next morning. Maybe that is the reason why after the shower he became more mechanical.

“Eat, Haven.”

“I can’t eat all of this.” Which is a lie because I could devour the whole thing, but I won’t. I never do.

With penetrating eyes, he stares at me, probing. I grab the fork and cut off some of the egg, trying to pacify him and make this exit easier. “Did you run out and get this this morning?” I try and change the subject, hoping he will stop his intense scrutiny and I can get out of here faster.

“Instead of deflecting. Let’s talk about last night. Shall we?”

“In the context of what?”

“Your little trip to a rave.”

“Why are we circling back? We just talked about it. Besides, what I do is none of your business.”

“See, that is where you are wrong.”

“I went out with my cousin. I didn’t need you to come rescue me. I was having a great time.”

“I was at the understanding you were home for the evening.”

“And who would have told you that?” I ask, knowing my brother and Finn both thought Ciarán and I were home. Knowing the verbal altercation between Finn and Demetri I figure my brother told him. I hold up my hand when he goes to speak and say, “I already have a bodyguard. I don’t need another, and furthermore, if I wanted him with me, I would have instructed Finn as to where we were going. Just like I will call him to come pick me up this morning. See how easy it is to get rid of your morning after “situation”?”

“And you didn’t, because why?”

“Didn’t what? Why what?”

“Tell him where you were headed.”

“None of your business.”

“Haven.” He places his hands on the island in front of me, leaning down until his eyes are level with mine. “It would be beneficial for you if you realize sooner rather than later that you are my business. Accepting that fact would help move this along much smoother.”

“Last night… Did we…?” I flip the fork around in the air. “I mean…”

“Did I fuck you?”

“You don’t have to say it with such vulgarity.”

“If I fucked you, young pup, there would be nothing but vulgarity involved.”

I drop my fork and huff with exasperation. A piece of egg flies up onto my shirt. I swipe it away. I hate the nickname he has given me. “Must you keep calling me that? It’s really starting to piss me off.”


“Good?” I harshly chirp.

“Yes. Maybe I will see some fire from you.”

“Oh, you want fire? You’ll think better of it when my Irish, redheaded temper comes out. You just might tuck your tail and run.”

“I don’t have a tail. And your hair is strawberry blonde.”