Page 5 of Shattered Diamonds

“No, cuz. I think that is a little much for your innocence.”

“I’m not that innocent.” I pout.

“You are. It’s a good thing. No man wants a woman who has had many lovers.”

“Says who?”

“Me. You’re perfect. The man claiming you will be a very lucky man. Now come.” He tugs my arm. “Let’s have some fun.”

The music continues to blare. My personal space is at a bare minimum. Ciarán hands me another drink. The first one went down slowly, but this one goes down much smoother. I set my now half empty drink down on the table we are currently occupying. I can feel my cousin watching me as I take it all in. I feel more relaxed, less nervous. The teenage girl I never got to be starts to loosen her hips and sway to the music. The energy racing through my body is addicting. I feel good. Great, actually.

I glance over at my cousin with a big smile. “I think I love this place.”

“I knew you would. Finish your drink and I’ll take you to the dance floor.”

Nervous energy swirls in my stomach. My thigh muscles are eager to stretch and move. I have been trained in classical ballet since I was three, but behind closed doors, my feet move to music a little more upbeat. Notthisupbeat though. The energy this song makes me feel, I want to open my constrained gait and move with unrestrained free will, disregarding every formal instruction I have ever been trained in.

I take a sip of my drink and glance at the deck above us. People crowd against the railing, waving their drink laced hands in the air. The opulence and mystery of this club are sexy. I scan all the way around until I come to a wall of windows. You can’t see inside, and I can’t help but wonder what or who is behind the glass, watching.

“You ready?” Ciarán holds his hand out.

“As I’ll ever be.” I place my hand in his with a nervous smile.

“You got this. If people bump into you, it’s okay. I got you. You’re not in danger here.”

“Aye,” I answer. Still drawn to the windows above, I point and ask, “What do you think is behind there?”

“A very wealthy, powerful man. With dangerous employees.” He pulls me through a throng of people.

His comment baffles me. How would he know that or is he just guessing? I have no time to ask because he is pulling me out onto the dance floor. The music changes to a heavy beat. The bass is hard. The bodies around me start jumping up and down. Flames start shooting out from cannons high above our heads. My classical roots shift to free-flowing movements. My arms swing. My feet move. My hips sway with ease. My head rolls. The alcohol in my belly swishes. I am having the time of my life.

Slight pressure on my hips become a forceful grip. I twist in my spot to reprimand my assailant, but I catch a glimpse of Ciarán before fully turning. He has a smile on his face, but his guard is up. With a nod telling me it’s okay, I dance with the strange man. My nerves take over my movements. I’m stiff. Not the girl who moves so fluently that she has been compared to the embodiment of flowing water.

I glance back at Ciarán once again. He nods, mouthing, “I’ve got you.”

I let go. My body takes over my unconfident mind. A detonation of my soul blasting open, releasing the only thing I know. The only thing that has saved my sanity from the cage I have been kept.


The man grabs hold of me once again. His hips move with mine, and soon enough, my youthful, groomed foundation takes over. He can dance but I’ll show him how to really dance. The sweat pours off me. I feel the trickles of exertion flow between my breasts and down my back. I run my hand through my sweaty curls and lift my hair off my neck. I turn my back to my dance partner to check on Ciarán. He’s dancing with an attractive female, but his attention is on me. He gives me a quick wink. My reassurance. I’m still okay. If my brother, Cillian, or my bodyguard, Finn, knew Ciarán brought me here tonight, he would pay dearly for his actions. I don’t know how he managed to get us out of the mansion without being detected by the guards, but I will take this night to my grave. Ciarán, although my cousin, is also my best friend, my alter ego I wish to live through. He knows everything about me as I do him. Well, almost everything. He lives the life I wish I had a chance to experience. But I can’t. Not with who my brother and father are. I never want Ciarán to be the victim of Cillian’s deadly wrath because of me. It would break my heart.

I turn from my dance partner and motion to my cousin that I have to use the restroom. I thank the tall blond man and excuse myself. Ciarán is right on my heels, the attractive woman left behind without a second thought. We’re laughing and enjoying our time as we make our way to the back corner of the club. A huge sign hangs above on the far wall.Temptations, the club’s name glows in neon lights. Ciarán enters the men’s restroom with instructions that he will meet me right where we are parting when I’m finished. As well as a warning not to take too long or he will come looking for me in the women’s bathroom.

I walk down the long, dark hallway. My thoughts are a buzz. I’m high on life. My feet feel like they’re floating with each step I take. Maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe it’s just the freedom Ciarán has given me tonight.

I feel like I’m on top of the world.

That is, until I walk directly intohim.

The man who made my insides turn to jelly stands before me.

The devil himself, who catches me with one powerful hand before I fall.

He steals my breath with one swoop of his forceful arm.

“Watch yourself, giovane cucciolo.”

I’m breathless in his hold, held prisoner in his gaze, and locked in solitary with his firm clutch. I linger in a hazy daze, utterly captured by him. A yearning to reach up and touch his stubbled face has me lifting my hand. An unfamiliar ache to run my fingers through his coarse dark hair, enhancing his masculine square jaw burns at the tips. My observation drops lower, caught by intimidating beauty. I itch to trace the black and grey shaded outlined ink decorating the arch of his powerful neck. The exclusive hints of red bled into his skin at the base just above the hollow of his throat is what catches my attention.