Page 22 of Shattered Diamonds

Joseph: It’s her bodyguard.


I set my phone down and give her my attention. “I don’t really care. A man’s job is to take care of his family, and his woman. From where I’m sitting, Cillian has done just that. The true question is, would you have bought the dress yourself?”

“No. I would not have.” She picks up her fork and pushes her food around her plate before setting her fork back down and grabbing for her glass of wine.

I take note that she has barely touched her dinner. “Was your meal not to your liking?” I nod at her plate.

“I lost my appetite.”

“Because of something I said?”

“Because of something you didn’t say.”

“No, giovane cucciolo, you are not the largest size I have bought.”

“Lie,” she mauls her glass of wine, finishing it. “You wouldn’t tell me the truth anyway. Would you? You’re a man who doesn’t like to lose.”

“You are correct. I do not. However, I do not make it a habit of losing. As well as being a man who cares about what comes out of his mouth? Do I seem to you that I would?”


“Would you like me to sugarcoat my words to make you happy?”


“Good. Then you need to realize that I do not lie. I just told you I will never lie to you. I will not soften my words in order for you to feel better. When stewing over a question make sure you want to know the answer before asking it.”

She stares off once again. Her hands folded in her lap. At this point, I am reprimanding myself for sitting in the public area of the restaurant when we have a standing private, windowless room in the back.

“Tell me, why do you keep looking out the window? Is there something of interest out there?”


“Good. Then we can proceed with our evening with no distractions then.” I lean forward, place my elbows on the table, and raise both my charcoal brows, waiting for her next move.

She picks up her fork and takes in a small mouthful of her food. It appeases me. I offer her more wine. She accepts. We eat in silence for the next few minutes.

When she places her fork down, I ask, “Tell me about yourself.”

“Why do you want to know, Demetri? It’s not like we will see each other after tonight. Why take interest in my day-to-day?”

“Humor me.”

“Okay. I am in love.”

Shocked at her confession, I watch her, but my face doesn’t show even a hint of irritation. “If you were, you wouldn’t be here with me.”

“Oh, but I am.”

I feel myself getting heated. “Then you are not who I thought you were.”

“And that is?”

“A descendant of her brother’s morals.” I place my napkin on the table and shift my chair back, noticing the shift in her boldness. The tough veneer she thinks she needs to have with me cracks. I stand and wave the server over before plunging my hand into my suit pocket and pulling out a wad of cash. Lilly practically runs to me at my request. Haven’s eyes watch our interaction. Lilly is a stunning woman. Her interest in me is noticeable. I hand her a handful of bills, telling her we are finished, and then turn to Haven and gesture for her to follow with the flip of two fingers.
