Page 122 of Shattered Diamonds

“Was? It doesn’t seem like my brother is done with you by the way he looked at you before.”

“I’ve moved on.” She huffs with such exaggeration I know it’s a lie. “I met someone. He was at the club I went to with Lea. You remember her, right?” She babbles on. “He’s nice. That’s why I called you. I wanted to tell you about him.”

“Patches? I’m sorry I am not around anymore.”

“It’s okay. You have a hot husband now. It’s to be expected.”

I let that go. Knowing in the future I will have to make sure to fly back home or have her flown to me in the city so we can spend time together.

“This thing with my brother?”

“Is over.”

“How long?”

“Short enough to know it was a big mistake.”

I release a bit of a chuckle. “This is so inappropriate. Only you and I could speak of something like this while sitting in a church at a funeral.”

She squeezes my hand. “That’s why we became friends all those years ago. Two peas in a pod, my girl.” She smiles at me. “I have to pee. Do you think your bulldog will allow you out of his sight?”

I glance over my shoulder as I stand. “I think he will be right behind us or have Joseph right behind us.”

“Under the circumstances, it is good to see you here, at home, Haven.” She opens her arms for a hug that I reciprocate.

“You’ll have to introduce me to this new man of yours.” I start to walk towards the exit. “Tell me about him.” I glance over my shoulder making small talk and to make sure Demetri knows I’m exiting the inside of the church to the hallway. It’s then I notice that more men from New York have arrived. I stop mid-stride and with a curious brow, I watch on.

Mr. Heart, Antonio, and Giovanni stand by Demetri. Mr. Heart is speaking with the man Demetri corrected earlier in the foyer. The conversation looks intense. With one more glance over my shoulder and a nod of confirmation from Demetri, I make my way into the hallway with Paisley at my back.

The hallway is empty and quiet except for the clack of our heels against the tile and the shoes behind us that I knew would be coming. We make small talk as we head in the direction of the restroom. Paisley tells me about this mysterious man she is dating. From what I understand it’s new. Two dates are what she claims. Though I feel like there is more to it. I asked the usual questions like, where did you meet him? What does he do for a living? Is he a good kisser? Although the conversation is light between us, there is still a heaviness with my father’s passing looming, but it’s good to be able to just talk to a friend. We both use the restroom and while washing our hands, she tells me about their first date. I’m genuinely happy for her, as long as she is happy.

We exit the bathroom and are greeted by Joseph and a new guy standing across the hall. I say hello and wait for Paisley to come up beside me. I reintroduce her to Joseph then he introduces me to the new guy, Drago. With an almost noiseless hello in return, Paisley and I head down the hallway with Joseph and Drago tailing us.

The front on the church is empty. A few stragglers stand outside on the steps, smoking. Demetri is one of them with Giovanni and Antonio flanking his sides. I watch him inhale and release the smoke in a slow curling wave as he watches me walk through the doors and straight to him. In return, I can’t help but examine him with each one of my steps. He surveys me with heat as he watches me get closer. With each step I take, I notice his demeanor. Something is off. He’s not his confident relaxed self. His shoulders are stiff.

Something is wrong.

His shoes scuffle against the ground as he steps away from them and greets me with his outstretched hand. He laces his fingers in between mine and gives it a squeeze.

“You ready?”

“Not really.” I feel the sting at the back of my eyes. I’ll never be ready to watch a loved one be put in the ground. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.” He watches Paisley walk passed us and wait at the bottom of the steps.


“Come.” He gives my hand a shake. “We’re riding with your mother and brother.”

“Okay,” I whisper, knowing it’s not a good time to pursue answers. We hold each other’s gaze, speaking silently to each other before he leans down and gives my forehead a chaste kiss.

Pulling back, he instructs, “Paisley, you’re riding with us.” He nods towards the black limo at the curb with the undertone of an order not to question it.

She looks at the car. Then to me. Then to Demetri. “I’d rather not. I’ll jump in with Ciarán if that’s okay.” She starts to step toward the parking lot.

“It’s not. Get in the limo.”

Just as Demetri leans down to open the door to my brother’s limo, I realize I forgot my purse. “Demetri, I left my purse inside.” I don’t remember having it in the bathroom. I must have left it in the church.