“Your virginity.”
“It’s done. I am no longer considered pure.”
“You’re not happy. I can tell. Who?”
“I’m… fine. It wasn’t what I thought it would be.”
“Because you didn’t love him.” It doesn’t go unnoticed that she didn’t say who it was.
“That’s all a silly notion, Haven. Love wouldn’t have made it better.”
“I disagree.”
We’re quiet for a few moments before she sighs. “I miss you. When are you coming back?”
“I don’t know. Cillian has business here.”
“How is he? Any new women gracing his doorstep?”
“Not that I have seen. But then again, I am kept in the dark here just as much as I was at home. That’s why I am so shocked he didn’t find out about last night. I thought with him bringing me here he was going to let me live a little, but his thumb is still pressed.” I watch her as she gazes at the screen, her thoughts somewhere off in the distance. “Patches?” I grab her attention with the nickname I gave her when we were kids.
“Yeah?” Her focus now back on me.
“Did it hurt?”
“Not at all.” Her displeasure and disappointment clear.
“No wonder why you didn’t enjoy it. He had a small pickle.”
She strangles her laugh. “And it lasted all of two minutes.”
“Eff off. Seriously? All is not lost. I still consider you a virgin then.” I laugh. “You know I’m flagging you, right?”
She laughs but it’s a sad one. “I know you’re only teasing me. I still love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
“Chat tomorrow?” She yawns, burrowing down into her pillow.
I shutoff my blow dryer and finger fluff my unruly curls. After a quick glance at my phone, and a swipe of my lip gloss across my lips, I make my way downstairs for breakfast. Cillian is already at the dining table eating, newspaper in hand, two cell phones next to his plate. One burner. One personal. I may be the sister of an overprotective and restrictive brother, but I do know what Cillian does to make money. He followed in my da’s footsteps. I guess he had no choice. My da is a stubborn man. All I know is that Cillian runs our family now and my da and him butt heads most of the time. I haven’t seen him in a day. He looks stressed and his face shows his lack of sleep.
“Mornin’,” he greets before taking a sip of his coffee.
“You’re up early.” I pull the chair out to his left and grab the freshly squeezed orange juice.
“How long are we going to stay here?” I blurt.
“As long as it takes.”
I stare at him. His clipped tone is unusual. It bothers me. “What’s wrong with you? Did something happen to Da?” His whole demeanor changes when he sees my face. “Did he get sicker?”
“No. Sorry. He’s fine. Ma would call if there were any changes.”
“Cillian? Why did we come here? Why did you bring me here with you?”