Page 65 of Shattered Diamonds

I hear Demetri hum his agreeance. “That it is.”

“Talia overheard Antonio and I talking about tomorrow night’s event. She was a little put off that she didn’t know anything about it. Boss did warn you not to fuck the help.” He laughs. “This could get interesting.”

I stop dead in my tracks and listen.

“She’ll be fine. She’s an adult. She knew the rules from the beginning.”

“Don’t they all? I don’t know, though, man. Apparently, Tegan was upset and called her crying. Talia was pissed.”

“I’ll handle her.” It’s quiet for a moment, then I hear, “Eavesdropping on the wrong person will get you killed, Haven.”

I jump in my spot at being caught, but then I steel my backbone and walk into the kitchen with a snarky attitude. Hearing my fiancé's past proclivities was not on my list of fairytales on the day I became engaged.

Luca notices me first when I come around the corner and announces my entry with a long, slow whistle. I blush at the sexual tone of it as I make my way farther into the room. Demetri turns his attention to me instead of pulling containers out of a brown bag. His observation glides over my length twice. The gleam in his two-toned colored eyes turns heated. He turns his attention back to the bag in front of him and after taking its contents out, he slides one in Luca's direction and then one in mine as I walk up to the island. He watches me with interest.

“Apparently my fiancé has fucked a lot of women.”

He glares at me as I stand across the counter from him,

“I don’t know. It’s really kind of a turn off.” I crinkle my nose. “He gets pure as snow, untouched, untainted by past men, and I get dirty used deeds.” I raise an eyebrow and shrug my shoulder while quickly glancing at Luca.

“Sit.” Demetri ignores my statement and continues with what he is doing.

“What’s this?”

“Dinner. Eat.”

I open the lid and find grilled chicken and broccoli. I glance up at him and give him a quick smile. I look at Luca’s container as he’s opening it and I’m consumed by a delicious smelling steak with the same broccoli as mine. When I glance at Demetri’s meal, he too has the same as Luca. My mouth salivates at the smell, and without hesitation, I grab the offered knife and fork Demetri is handing me and I dig in, trying to swallow what I just overheard along with my chicken.

Besides the music playing at the quietest level throughout the room, we eat in silence. Which is fine by me. I’m starving, and green with jealousy, and both don’t really mix well. I savor each piece of chicken I pop into my mouth. I keep my head down but after a few bites of my food, I look up at Demetri through my lashes. The top two buttons of his shirt are open. The scattering of dark hair beneath his black shirt is dangerously sexy. I watch his Adam's apple bob when he clears his throat, and that’s the moment I realize he caught me checking him out. He turns away and grabs a couple bottles of water from the refrigerator and hands one to me and the other to Luca.

I break the silence by asking, “Am I dressed okay?”

“I would think by the look in my man’s eyes and my low whistle as you walked into the kitchen you should know the answer to that question,” Luca answers before Demetri can get a word in.

“I meant for wherever you’re taking me?” I look to Demetri.


Luca finishes his meal and throws what’s left in Thor’s bowl.

“I thought he only gets raw food?”

“He gets leftovers.”

“I guess you’re fortunate not to get that from me.” The snarky comment pops right out of my mouth.

His glare scolds my pale skin, but my own heated gaze gives it right back to him.

“Come here.”


“Now, young pup, or your ass will need medical attention.”

“I think it already does.”
