Page 26 of Shattered Diamonds

My body is suddenly still. Demetri takes a step back and looks over his work. I am admittedly shocked at what my dress looks like. From what I can see, it actually looks… good, great even.

I’ll never tell him that, though.

He watches me for my reaction. I run my hands over the material, touching the skin that has now shown itself due to his precise cutting.

Slowly, I glance up at him, speechless.

“Now lose the panties.”

“Excuse me?”

“Excused. This once only. Lose the panties or I will lose them for you.”

“I will do no such thing!”

One second, I am looking up at him in shock at his demand, and the next, I am gazing down at the man who just ripped my dress to shreds in shock as his skillful hands run up the length of my calves.

“What are you doing?” I screech.

“I will never ask you twice. Once is all you will get from me. If you chose to disobey, then you chose the consequence instead of the choice.”

“There was no choice!”

“Exactly. I want the panties gone.” He slides his hands further up my legs, his thumbs caressing the soft skin of my inner thighs just above my knee.

“Stop!” I slap at his hands which are doing all kinds of strange things to my lower stomach.

He waits, watching me.

My inner good girl is waging a war against the unfamiliar wayward girl making her initial appearance.

I lean down, shifting my dress as best I can, trying to be discreet as I shimmy my lace panties down my legs. I stumble a bit trying to get them over my heels. Demetri reaches out and holds my elbow to steady me. His face is unreadable when I glance up at him from his touch. When I free the material from the spike of my heel and stand straight, Demetri is waiting with a held-out hand.

My wide eyes flick from his demanding gaze to his expectant hand and back. “Absolutely not,” I balk, flabbergasted at his audacity.

Silent, his hand hovers midair, waiting.

The intensity of the moment feels like minutes are passing, but the reality is, it’s only tense, demanding seconds.

My inner self screams, reprimanding myself as my arm starts to move. I drop my panties in the palm of his hand. The corner of his lip lifts with a satisfying smirk. Then he lifts my panties to his nose and inhales deeply.

My mouth drops open with a gasp.

My eyes widen as a crimson blush creeps across my skin.

He reaches up and holds my garment under my nose. “Do you smell that?”

I close my eyes, embarrassed at his boldness, and I start to take a step back.

“Open your eyes, young pup.” He grabs my waist and jerks me flush against his body.

I find myself lost in his glassy gaze.

“That is the smell of your arousal, innocent one. That scent is your scent. A fragrance as rare and as unique as a snowflake. No two are alike. Yours is as decadent as they come. A lethal combination with your beauty.” He pulls back and shoves my panties in his pocket. “Now, let’s go before I waver on the discipline I pride myself on.”
