Page 20 of Shattered Diamonds

I was intrigued. I expected her to show up in something that was the total opposite of what I had purchased for her. I could not have been more right. She was a spitfire held back by her contained innocence.

Her grin was captivating. It made my dick twitch with each step she took towards me. My job was to quickly extinguish her burst of cockiness. There is no room for that between us. I am not cocky. I am confident. She will learn that very quickly or she will be in for a rude awakening as the days ahead come. She just tested the will of a dominant man. She would soon find out there are always repercussions for said actions.

Instead of standing and pulling out her chair like a gentleman, I open my hand and carelessly wave to her designated seat across from me. Her grin fades when she realizes I’m not going to leave my seat or comment about her selection in wardrobe. I ask her what her drink of choice is as I wave, Lilly, our server over. I made sure Haven saw my perusal of her. She hesitated a moment then asked for a glass of wine before turning away from me and glancing around the restaurant. She hated my lack of respect with my inspection of Lilly. But she loathed the fact that she didn’t get the attention she was seeking with her dismissal of my wishes. The upper hand she thinks she is holding is extinguished immediately with my next statement.

“I would like to compliment you and tell you that you look lovely. However, I can honestly say the white makes you look withdrawn and pale whereas the red dress I gifted you would have given your alabaster skin some contrasting life.” I watch her show of unjustified cockiness disappear. She didn’t get the rise out of me like she thought she would. “The dress was a gift,” I continue explaining. “Something I wanted to see you in and thought you would enjoy. You are clearly too young to appreciate the generosity of a man.”

“I don’t like being told what to do or wear,” she immediately sputters.

“Are you sure? Because I am positive you have lived your entire life under the thumb of your father and brother.”

“And why would you think that?”

“Because your innocence is a blistering beacon of light highlighting your sheltered life. Don’t try to be something you are not. You may have taken a stance with me tonight, but you have not found your footing yet. And you never will with me.”

She’s quiet. Silence her choice of defense against my fact filled reality check. I let the moment linger a few seconds longer, letting her sort through her thoughts. She is young. I will curb my reprimanding wrath because of that.

Lilly hands Haven a menu with a beautiful warm smile which Haven does not return. Her noiseless inner turmoil bears weight in her soft features. She orders grilled skinless chicken and steamed vegetables before handing back her menu and placing her hands in her lap. I smile, noting what I see in the young woman sitting in front of me. She is uncomfortable and waiting for direction.

“Do I make you uneasy?” I lean forward, rest my elbows on the table, and peer at her over my cupped hands.


“You sure about that?” I question because she answered too quickly.

“Why would I lie?”

I raise a brow and wait.

“Maybe you do,” she grants a truth I can see she didn’t want to provide. Leaning back in her chair, she snips, “Is that a crime?”

“No. On the contrary. It’s a good thing.”

“I don’t see it that way. I am here to pay my debt and that is all.”

“You sure about that?” She stays silent while glaring at me. “Tell me, have you thought about me at all?”

“You mean have I thought about the fact that you were and still are an arrogant son of a bitch? Yes. Yes, I have.”

“You should not speak of a mother you know nothing about.”

“It’s a figure of speech.” She huffs and rolls her eyes.

It’s an action I will not tolerate going forward. She is an adult, not a petulant child.

“That I clearly do not appreciate. Now, tell me, giovane cucciolo, have you thought about me in a way that makes your panties wet?”

“You see what I mean? The audacity of you to think I would waste my time thinking about you.”

“Am I wrong?” I wait and watch her squirm. “Act like an adult and tell me the truth.” When she glances away, I remark, “That’s what I thought. Nothing wrong with admitting your attraction. To clarify, I am attracted to you as well.”

“I am an adult.”

“That you are. However, you are so used to doing what you are told you are now starting to push back with immature behavior. It’s unacceptable.”

“What is the difference between you telling me what to wear or them telling me what to do?”

“Because I would open you up to a new world.”