Page 119 of Shattered Diamonds

“You were in prison?”

“You know I was.”

“Not true.”


“Okay, maybe, but not one hundred percent sure. That night was crazy scary. You were chopping up my dress like a madman when you referred to being locked up.”

“And you thought what, that I was your knight in shining armor getting ready to take you to a fucking polo game?”

I pat his chest where my hand lays as I chuckle. Demetri and polo do not belong in the same sentence. Unless he’s using the mallet to maim someone. “You are definitely not a polo kind of guy.”

“No shit, baby.”

I gaze up at him in the dark, my finger grazing through the coarse hairs of his beard. “Why do you have such a deep red color at the base of the lotus flower on your neck and all your other tattoos are more subdued in color?” I trace my finger over the lines.

“Because the roots in which I come from are bloody.”

“Isn’t it still? The life you live is dangerous.”

“The difference is I now choose the blood I spill.”

“What about this?” I run my fingers over the ridged skin I have felt every time I caress his skin when we are together.

“Bullet. A few years back. Long story short, I survived.”

“Not funny.”

“No, it wasn’t. It was either her or me. It’s my job to protect the family.”

“You got shot because of a woman?” I feel a bit of jealousy at an unknown female.

“Not any woman. I took a bullet for Antonio’s wife.”


“The one and only.”

“She’s fun.” I reminisce about our wedding night, dancing with her before it all went to hell.

“Stay away from her. She’s fucking trouble,” he grumbles but there’s a hint of mirth behind his tone.

I laugh, shifting against him, readjusting my body. When I settle back into our comfortable silence, a question I have been wanting to ask has me on edge. And he knows it.

“What is it?”



“What were his last words?” I ask the question so quietly I barely heard myself. You would think I would feel his body stiffen at the question. But no, not Demetri. He’s too confident in himself. His body stays relaxed, holding me to him.

“Why do you want to know?”

“I don’t really know. Curiosity, I guess. I mean, I didn’t see Finn the way you did. I guess I was just wondering if he was real with me or if all those years were an act.”

“You have feelings for him?”