I leaned back into the couch and tucked my legs under me.

I couldn’t think about this anymore. It was going to drive me insane.

It was time to go back to no talking and shutting my brain off. For the rest of the night, all I wanted was to sink into cheesy Christmas movies, and that was it.

Whatever the heck Claus wanted and was up to could wait until tomorrow. Or one hundred years from now.

Tonight was not the night.


Chapter Four


I slowly slid out from next to Stevie and managed to wedge a pillow under her cheek.

A small grumble rumbled from her lips, but she didn’t wake up.

After she had gotten over the fact that I knew her favorite ice cream, we had gone back to silence, but it was a good silence.

It was just good to be around her.

We didn’t need to be talking constantly and trying to impress each other. We were just natural with each other, and that was such a rare thing.

So rare that I had never had it before.

I had known Stevie for twenty years, but we never hung out like we did tonight.

Just each other.

I ran my fingers through my hair and watched her sleep.

Stevie’s beauty never escaped me.

I would have had to have been blind not to see it.

Her wavy light brown hair was always down and flowing around her. Her golden-brown eyes were always warm and welcoming. Her smile could light up a room, and her sweet, innocent face could make a grown man stutter.

Growing up, I had watched her go from a gangly teenager into a beautiful woman with curves for days. Curves that haunted me in my dreams.

Curves that I wanted to make mine.

She had wondered why I was going to let her marry Paul even when I thought the guy was an asshole.

It was the same reason I hadn’t made her mine all of these years.

Stevie deserved someone better than me. Someone better than a kid who wasn’t good enough for his own parents.

Stevie deserved the world and whatever she wanted.

She had wanted Paul, and I wasn’t going to be the one to take that from her.

Thankfully, Pussy Paul had taken himself out.

Now I knew I wasn’t going to be able to let her go again.

I had almost lost her in that church.