“No,” Stevie gasped. “How? What? HOW?” she cried.

I cringed and kept my arms around her. “I didn’t dig too deep into it, sweets, but the guy seemed to be stringing quite a few women along. From what I can tell, you were the most serious, but he cut ties with you when…”

“When what?” she demanded.

“When he found out one of the other girls was pregnant.”

Her jaw dropped, and I didn’t know what was going to come next.

Anger at being cheated on?

Rage at the fact Paul had gotten another woman pregnant?

Neither of those happened.


Stevie threw her head back and let out a loud laugh.

A cackle.

She straight-up cackled like I had just told the funniest joke.

“Oh my god,” she cried. She wiped her brow with her hand and couldn’t stop laughing. She collapsed into my arms and she pressed her forehead to my shoulder.

“Uh, sweets? You okay?” I asked gently.

She raised her head and smiled up at me. “I am so freaking relieved that I wasn’t as unlucky as whoever he got pregnant. That poor woman is forever tied to Pussy Paul now. And that poor baby,” she sighed, “that poor little baby has Pussy Paul as their dad.”

Yeah, this was not at all how I saw Stevie taking the news that she had been cheated on.

“My god, did I dodge a bullet, Claus.” Her body relaxed into mine. “There is a tiny part of me that is pissed the hell off he was cheating on me, but the rest of me is relieved. So freaking relieved.” She raised her hand in the air. “Thank you, sweet baby Jesus, for making Paul a pussy who ran for the hills.”

“So, this means you’re not mad at me for checking out Paul?” I winced.

Stevie scoffed and laid her hand over my heart. “If you wouldn’t have done it, I know Tony would have once he got back from Hawaii next week.”

She was right. “Or even Jane would have,” I pointed out.

Stevie nodded. “Yeah, she would have, too. You just beat them to the punch. You want to know whatIjust figured out?”

“Am I going to like it?”

She nodded. “Yeah, totally. There are two things.”

“Lay it on me, sweets.” Nothing could knock me off the high I was on after kissing Stevie. Throw in the fact I told her what I knew about Paul, which meant I had zero secrets from her now, and I was never coming down.

She held up one finger. “I like it when you call me sweets. Please don’t stop doing it.”

I nodded and chuckled. “I can do that.”

She held up another finger. “I am so over Paul. It was eating me alive trying to figure out what I had done wrong, but now I know he was just a complete douchebag that I, unfortunately, wasted two years on, but now he will never get another second of my time.” She leaned up and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. “Now you get all of my seconds.”

“That right there,” I whispered. “That is why I call you sweets.”

“You called me sweets before you kissed me,” she pointed out.

I shrugged. “Foreshadowing.”